Hi Paul -
Thanks for the reply.  Let me attempt to answer your questions and
hopefully clarify a bit.
1. I am using Excel 2003

2. All of the steps prior to the code I already had were serving only
one purpose. I want to write the text file using only rows where the
date in column T equals the date in column E.  In my mind (and
probably my lack of experience) the only way I could think to
accomplish this was to identify the rows where the dates did not match
and cut and paste them out of the worksheet.  There may be a much
simpler way to do this with code, but I do not know what it would be.

3. I do understand the code that I am using does not have spaces or
delimiters between the values.  I am using this text file in place of
an import file that we used to have generated externally.  The program
that this text file is imported into is very touchy, so I needed to
make a text file that exactly matched the format and layout of our old
text files.  These files had no spaces or delimiters, so I have to
leave them out.

I hope this clears up the questions that you had.  Thanks again for
the response.

On May 21, 7:39 am, Paul Schreiner <schreiner_p...@att.net> wrote:
> I have a few questions.
> What version of Excel are you using?
> You said in step 6, you "cut" the records that AG is null
> did you really man "cut", as in: removed from sheet1?
> also, you're writing a file with :
> a.WriteLine s1 & s2 & s3 & s4 & s5 & s6
> but the values have no spaces or delimiters between them.
> I think I can do the entire process with a single macro:
> In my test data, it processed 65,536 records of 74 columns
> in 8 minutes, 32 seconds.
> '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Option Explicit
> Sub CvtTotext()
>     Dim LastRow, LastCol
>     Dim R, C, RowNI
>     Dim FileName, FilePath, fs, f, StrOut, StrDelim
>     Dim TElapsed, TMin, TSec, TStart, TStop
>     '------------------------------------------
>     TStart = Timer
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
>     '------------------------------------------
>     '  Create "Not Imported" sheet
>     '------------------------------------------
>     On Error Resume Next
>     Application.DisplayAlerts = False
>     Err.Clear
>     Sheets("Not Imported").Select
>     If (Err.Number = 0) Then Sheets("Not Imported").Delete
>     Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
>     ActiveSheet.Name = "Not Imported"
>     On Error GoTo 0
>     Application.DisplayAlerts = True
>     '------------------------------------------
>     Sheets("sheet1").Select
>     LastRow = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
>     LastCol = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column
>     For C = 1 To LastCol
>         Sheets("Not Imported").Cells(1, C) = ActiveSheet.Cells(1, C).Value
>     Next C
>     FileName = InputBox(" Enter Text File Name ", "Text File")
>     FilePath = "g:\Treas\Erick\Price File Test\" & FileName & ".txt"
>     StrDelim = "|"
>     Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>     If (fs.fileexists(FilePath)) Then fs.deletefile FilePath
>     Set f = fs.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True)
>     Application.StatusBar = "Processing " & LastRow & " records)"
>     RowNI = 1
>     For R = 2 To LastRow
>         If (R Mod 1000 = 0) Then
>             Application.StatusBar = "Processing " & R & " of " & LastRow
>         End If
>         If (ActiveSheet.Range("BM" & R).Value <> ActiveSheet.Range("AE" & 
> R).Value) Then
>             RowNI = RowNI + 1
>             For C = 1 To LastCol
>                 Sheets("Not Imported").Cells(RowNI, C) = ActiveSheet.Cells(R, 
> C).Value
>             Next C
>         Else
>             StrOut = Cells(R, 32).Value  '32
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & Cells(R, 3).Value '3
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & Format(Cells(R, 20).Value, 
> "mmddyyyy") '20
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & Format(Cells(R, 21).Value * 
> 100000000, "000000000000#") '21
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "      "
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "0000000000000"
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "      "
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "      "
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "      "
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "0000000000"
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & Format(Cells(R, 22).Value, 
> "mmddyyyy") '22
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "BNYM"
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "0000000000000"
>             StrOut = StrOut & StrDelim & "      "
>             f.Writeline StrOut
>         End If
>     Next R
>     f.Close
>     '------------------------------------------
>     Application.StatusBar = False
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
>     '------------------------------------------
>         TStop = Timer
>         TElapsed = TStop - TStart
>         TMin = TElapsed \ 60
>         TSec = TElapsed Mod 60
>         MsgBox "Finished" & Chr(13) & TMin & " min " & TSec & " sec"
>     '------------------------------------------
> End Sub
> Paul
> ________________________________
> From: Erick C <boricua2...@gmail.com>
> To: MS EXCEL AND VBA MACROS <excel-macros@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Thu, May 20, 2010 11:35:21 AM
> Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Need macro help - Need to sort, cut and paste
> Good morning everybody -
> I am still quite a novice when it comes to VB and writing codes, so
> any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.  I am currently
> working on a code that takes data from a xls file that I download and
> convert it to a text file.  I found an older posting with an example
> that I modified a bit to meet my format requirements.  The formatting
> is working fine, but there is some manual cleanup that has to be done
> prior to running the macro that I would like to add to the macro.
> What I am trying to add to my current macro (in this order):
> 1. Sort the file by column 20 ascending (column T)
> 2. In cell AG2 (column 33), enter formula "=if(T2=E2, "OK","")
> 3. Copy formula from AG2 down column AG to last record
> 4. Sort the file by column 33 (column AG)
> 5. Create a new worksheet named "Not Imported"
> 6. Back in Sheet 1, cut any record where the AG cell is null and paste
> into Not Imported tab
> 7. Back in sheet 1, continue with the code I have (below):
> Public Sub CvtTotext()
>     LastRow = Cells.Find("*", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell), , ,
> xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
>     Filename = InputBox(" Enter Text File Name ", "Text File")
>     FilePath = "g:\Treas\Erick\Price File Test\" & Filename & ".txt"
>     Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>     Set a = fs.CreateTextFile(FilePath, True)
>     For Row = 3 To LastRow
>         s1 = Cells(Row, 32).Value
>         s2 = Cells(Row, 3).Value
>         s3 = Format(Cells(Row, 20).Value, "mmddyyyy")
>         s4 = Format(Cells(Row, 21).Value * 100000000, "000000000000#")
>         s5 = "      "
>         s6 = "0000000000000"
>         s7 = "      "
>         s8 = "      "
>         s9 = "      "
>         s10 = "0000000000"
>         s11 = Format(Cells(Row, 22).Value, "mmddyyyy")
>         s12 = "BNYM"
>         s13 = "0000000000000"
>         s14 = "      "
>         a.WriteLine s1 & s2 & s3 & s4 & s5 & s6 & s7 & s8 & s9 & s10 &
> s11 & s12 & s13 & s14
>     Next
>     a.Close
>     MsgBox FilePath & " Created."
> End Sub
> If there are existing examples that do something close to what I am
> trying to do, I would be more than happy to try to rip them apart
> myself, I know everyone is quite busy.  Any help I can get would be
> greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------
> Some important links for excel users:
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Some important links for excel users:
1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links : 
2. Join our LinkedIN group @ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1871310
3. Excel tutorials at http://www.excel-macros.blogspot.com
4. Learn VBA Macros at http://www.quickvba.blogspot.com
5. Excel Tips and Tricks at http://exceldailytip.blogspot.com
To post to this group, send email to excel-macros@googlegroups.com


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