I'm rather new to Excel macros so any help is appreciated.

I would like to highlight every other row in a range (A5:L40). I do
not want to use conditional formatting, because I'm already using some
in this range. So, I need to use a macro.

I've seen lots of macro samples to shade alternate rows, but can't get
any to work.

For example, I found this one:

Sub ShadeAlternateRows(rngTarget As Range, intColor As Integer,
lngStep As Long)
' adds a background color = intColor to every lngStep rows in
' example: ShadeAlternateRows Range("A1:D50"), 27, 2
' colors every 2 rows light yellow

Dim r As Long
    If rngTarget Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    With rngTarget
        .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
        ' remove any previous shading
        For r = lngStep To .Rows.Count Step lngStep
            .Rows(r).Interior.ColorIndex = intColor
        Next r
    End With
End Sub

1. The comment in this code has as an example, "ShadeAlternateRows
Range("A1:D50"), 27, 2", but where in the actual code do you put this

2. When I put this code in the VB of my worksheet, it is not listed
among the macros when I go to Tools > Macro > Macros. Any idea why?

3. If I want to run this macro, for example, on Worksheet "ABC" every
time the workbook is open, I understand I need to put the code in the
Workbook_Open module (between Private Sub Workbook_Open() & End Sub).
If I do that, how do I modify the code (which already has a Sub and
End Sub line.)

Thank you for any clarification.

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