I have a form with 7 combo boxes on it and I'd like to take the values
from the selections and store the value into an array.  Some
background:  The first two combo boxes must be selected otherwise the
form should not do anything.  As long as the first two equal a value,
the rest of them *could* be blank or contain a value.  What I'd like
to do is grab all of the values that aren't blank and resize my array
with these values.  I'm a bit green with arrays, so a layman's
approach would go a long way.  Here's the code I have already:

    Dim cCont As Control
    Dim arrDeviceVal() As String
    Dim i As Integer

    i = 0

    'I'm stuck on the logic for this array
    'Finds vals for Devices and ReDim's the array
    For Each cCont In Me.Controls
        If TypeName(cCont) = "ComboBox" Then
            arrDeviceVal = ????
           'Also when I type: cCont. I do not get a property of Value
as I would expect.  How am I to get the value of the combo box then?
        End If
    Next cCont

    For i = 0 To UBound(arrDeviceVal)
        MsgBox arrDeviceVal(i)
    Next i
    If cmb1.Value = "" Or cmb2.Value = "" Then
        MsgBox "Device 1 and Device 2 cannot be blank.  Choose a
device for both of these to continue.", vbCritical
        'ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ALL FILE").Range("C" & (intCellRow -
8)).Value = arrDeviceVal(0)
        Unload Me
    End If

Thanks for any insight!!!

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