
PropertyID      Account#        Date Time       Net Funded
1212178 2       *10/10/2010* 11:02        481
1212178      0000000000002*101020*echeck    00048100
Do you want current date in YYMMDD format


Will platform are you working?

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 2:28 AM, CAN <cdelano...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a .CSV file see sample below which I need macro to convert
> to .txt file in an specific format.
> Orginal file will be like this.
> PropertyID      Account#        Date Time       Net Funded
> 1212178 2       10/10/2010 11:02        481
> 1212CAS 311     10/10/2010 20:23        75
> 1212CAS 312     10/10/2010 8:30 158.43
> 1212CCP 5951B4  10/10/2010 7:51 209.94
> 1212CCP 5951B4  10/10/2010 8:30 43.7
> 1212CWG 401     10/10/2010 20:45        748.72
> 1212EWP 1152535L        10/10/2010 12:16        67.22
> 1212EWP 1331716C        10/10/2010 16:48        67.22
> 1212EWP 1332412C        10/10/2010 9:48 69
> 1212EWP 1332812C        10/10/2010 11:08        84.25
> 1212EWP 1352215P        10/10/2010 19:36        134.44
> 1212GWC 306     10/10/2010 9:15 275
> 1212GWC 604     10/10/2010 8:34 265.16
> 1212POR 107     10/10/2010 9:14 666
> 1212SSN 205     10/10/2010 18:21        124.15
> 1212SSN 205     10/10/2010 9:00 249.07
> 1212VSM 103     10/10/2010 9:57 185
> 1212VSM NC      10/10/2010 10:14        393
> 1212LP3 1490023 10/10/2010 15:57        50
> 1212LP3 1503023 10/10/2010 12:57        162.61
> For fields in the order listed above
> PropertyID,  Account#, Date Time ,Net Funded
> Notice that third field has date and time combined in the same cell.
> (sorry but that's how it is generated).  For the output file I only
> need the date.
> The outfile needs to be in .txt as follows
> 1212178      0000000000002101020echeck    00048100
> 1212CAS      0000000000311101020echeck    00007500
> 1212CAS      0000000000312101020echeck    00158643
> 1212CCP      00000005951B4101020echeck    00020994
> 1212CCP      00000005951B4101020echeck    00004370
> 1212CWG      0000000000401101020echeck    00074872
> 1212EWP      000001152535L101020echeck    00006722
> 1212EWP      000001331716C101020echeck    00006722
> 1212EWP      000001332412C101020echeck    00006900
> 1212EWP      000001332812C101020echeck    00008425
> 1212EWP      000001352215P101020echeck    00013444
> 1212GWC      0000000000306101020echeck    00027500
> 1212GWC      0000000000604101020echeck    00026516
> 1212POR      0000000000107101020echeck    00066600
> 1212SSN      0000000000205101020echeck    00012415
> 1212SSN      0000000000205101020echeck    00024907
> 1212VSM      0000000000103101020echeck    00018500
> 1212VSM      00000000000NC101020echeck    00039300
> 1212LP3      0000001490023101020echeck    00005000
> 1212LP3      0000001503023101020echeck    00016261
> The format is as follows:
> Property ID follow by 6 blank spaces
> Beginning in location 13 it will have the Account #.  Field must is
> alphanumeric with a total of 13 digits.  (zero filled to the left )
> After Account #, goes the date in format YYMMDD (notice that no spaces
> will be required between field 2 (Account #) and field 3 (Date).
> After Date the words "echeck" (standard for all records).
> After the word echeck there are 4 blank spaces.
> The last field after the 4 blank spaces is Net Funded (numeric, 8
> digits, no decimals )
> I would really, really be greatful and super happy to anyone that can
> do this macro as explained.
> --
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Srinivasan Ethirajalu,

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