I wish to create an auto number Returns Order template.
I've never used VBA or MACROS in Excel before although I did do some
basic stuff with MS Basic back in the DOS days.
I wish to create a template consisting of 10 fields. I would like for
each time the template is opened, an auto generated sequential number
in cell B1.   I would like the auto generated number to start 200001,
and when the template has been filled, a print button that when
clicked, will print 2 copies of the completed form, and auto save to a
specific location, the filename same as auto generated number. I would
also like the date to be automatically entered into cell B2.  If this
saved file is opened edited etc in the future, I need the auto number
and date to not change.
I've copied vba examples which say they will do what I want, but I
must be doing something wrong, because I can't get any to work.  I've
created template and I've "view code" and selected "workbook" and
pasted following code, but nothing happens!

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Const DEFAULTSTART As Integer = 1
        Const MYAPPLICATION As String = "Excel"
        Const MYSECTION As String = "myInvoice"
        Const MYKEY As String = "myInvoiceKey"
        Const MYLOCATION As String = "A1"
        Dim regValue As Long

        With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range(MYLOCATION)
            If .Text <> "" Then Exit Sub
            regValue = GetSetting(MYAPPLICATION, MYSECTION, _
                    MYKEY, DEFAULTSTART)
            .Value = Format(date,"YY") & "-" &
            SaveSetting MYAPPLICATION, MYSECTION, MYKEY, regValue + 1
        End With
    End Sub

Am I pasting in the wrong place?
Can anybody help.  I've seen commercial options to achieve what I
require, but I want to learn how to do it myself, as I have many other
projects I could use this experience for.
Regards enquirer

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