I have solved the cancel button exit from the routine problem part 1
as follows:-

'Check to see if cancel button is pressed go back to Menu

    If Newuser = false Then
       Exit Sub

    End If

Still cannot get anything on the other two problems


On Feb 15, 11:40 am, BJthebear <brian.jerm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have written a sub routine to add a name to a dynamic list but I
> have three problems with it and would be grateful for some advice.
> First the routine:-
> Sub InputNewUser()
> '
> ' InputNewUser Macro
> ' Macro recorded 01/02/2011 by Brian
> '
> Dim Newuser As String
> Dim nextRow As Long
> Dim flag As Boolean
>     flag = False
>     'find out if main database or staff copy - true if main database
> false if email copy
>     For Each wksheet In Application.Worksheets
>     If wksheet.Name = "HoursWorkedexpenses" Then
>         flag = True
>     Exit For
>     End If
>     Next wksheet
>     If flag = False Then
>         MsgBox "You do not have sufficient authority to create a new
> user"
>         End
>     Else
>     End If
> 'Ask for name of new user
> Newuser = Application.InputBox("Please enter name of new user (Surname
> first)")
> 'turns it into proper letters
> Newuser = Application.Proper(Newuser)
> 'Check to see if cancel button is pressed go back to Menu
>     If Newuser = "" Then
>         Sheets("Menu").Select
>        Exit Sub
>     End If
> 'Routine to check if Newuser already exists in list of users
>      'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> 'Find last row
> Set SrcSht = Sheets("UserList")
> nextRow = SrcSht.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
>     Range("A" & nextRow).Select
>     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = Newuser
>         Columns("A:A").Select
>     Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending,
> Header:=xlGuess, _
>         OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom,
> _
>         DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
>     'display message to show that it has been added to userlist
>     MsgBox (Newuser & " has been added to List of Users")
>  'return to menu page
>     Sheets("Menu").Select
> End Sub
> The problems are as follows:-
> 1.  I have just added the code to check to see if the cancel button is
> pressed but it does not exit the subroutine - it adds a false to the
> list of users.
> 2.  How do I check to see if the Newuser entry already exists in the
> list of users
> 3.  The routine seems to work when running it from the VBA window but
> when the macro is attached to a button on the "Menu" Wrksheet it fails
> to add the name to the list of users.  This routine worked up until a
> few days ago and it really has me stumped
> Any help would be appreciated
> Brian
> Scotland

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