Combine the cells.... like so... A1&B1&C1 etc.... then use COUNTIF
with the coniditional formatting. For example in G2 put
=A2&B2&C2&D2&E2 (you can hide column H). Then for the conditional
formatting start at A2 and use formula =IF(A2<>"",IF(COUNTIF($G:$G,

On Feb 24, 9:35 am, "John A. Smith" <> wrote:
> Your kind help please.
> I have a database that I need to see duplicated rows but can't filter
> because some columns can legitimately repeat.  If the entire row is a
> duplicate, I need to know.
> Please see attached example.  Thanking you in advance for your continuing
> help in learning Excel.
> John
>  Highlight Duplicated Rows Example.xls
> 24KViewDownload

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