please check this vba code, hope it helps..

-----Standard Module

Sub ExpiryWarning()
  ' siti Vi // Jakarta, 19 Jan 2011
  Dim dTable As Range, t As String
  Dim R As Long, N As Long, I As Integer

  Set dTable = Cells(1).CurrentRegion
  N = dTable.Rows.Count

  For R = 2 To N
     If IsDate(dTable(R, 5)) Then
        I = dTable(R, 5) - Date
        If I <= 15 Then
        If I > 0 Then
           dTable(R, 1).Resize(1, dTable.Columns.Count).Select
           t = "Name  : " & dTable(R, 2) & vbCr & vbCr
           t = t & "Expiry Date : " & Format(dTable(R, 5),
"dd-mmm-yyyy") & vbCr & vbCr
           t = t & "Number of days to come : " & Format(I, "0") & vbCr
           MsgBox t, 48, "Warning"
        End If
        End If
     End If
End Sub

-----Module Sheet1

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub

-----Tiisworkbook Module

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Mahreen Ellahi
<> wrote:
> Hii
> I have a some data with limits expiry on different dates. I want to have
> popup window to appear whenever the limit is about to expire like 15 to 30
> days earlier. Can anyone help me for VBA coding.
> Regards
> Mahreen

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