
I have written a macro for you. 

Open the attached text file and copy the procedures (everything) to VBS.

Run 'Copy_worksheets_Master' procedure. 

For this to work 

you need to copy all the files to a folder.. 

When you run the macro, it will ask you to select a folder where you stored 
the files..  

Once you select a folder, it will open each of the file and copy every 
sheets in each folder to a new file

not very optimized code but it should do the trick you want. 

I tested and worked for me. Let me know how it went..  

Hope this helps 

See ya 

Mark Kim 

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Option Explicit
Sub Copy_worksheets_Master()
 Dim p As String, x As Variant
 Dim i As Long, CopyTo_wk As Workbook
 Dim j As Long
 Dim CopyFrom_wk As Window
 Dim Number_of_sheets As Long
  p = Getfolder & "\"
 x = GetFileList(p)

 Set CopyTo_wk = Workbooks.Add
 Select Case IsArray(x)
 Case True 'files found
 MsgBox UBound(x)

For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
Openworkbook (p & x(i))

Set CopyFrom_wk = Windows(x(i))


Number_of_sheets = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count

  For j = 1 To Number_of_sheets

   ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(j).Copy after:=CopyTo_wk.Sheets(CopyTo_wk.Sheets.Count)

CopyFrom_wk.Close Savechanges:=True
 Next i
 Case False 'no files found
 MsgBox "No Files Found"
 End Select
End Sub
Function Getfolder() As String

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

    .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\"
    .Title = "Please select a location"
    If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
        Getfolder = "Canceled"
        Getfolder = .SelectedItems(1)
    End If
End With
End Function
Function GetFileList(FileSpec As String) As Variant
' Returns an array of filenames that match FileSpec
' If no matching files are found, it returns False

 Dim FileArray() As Variant
 Dim FileCount As Integer
 Dim Filename As String

 On Error GoTo NoFilesFound

 FileCount = 0
 Filename = Dir(FileSpec & "*.xls")
 If Filename = "" Then GoTo NoFilesFound

' Loop until no more matching files are found
 Do While Filename <> ""
 FileCount = FileCount + 1
 ReDim Preserve FileArray(1 To FileCount)
 FileArray(FileCount) = Filename
 Filename = Dir()
 GetFileList = FileArray
 Exit Function

' Error handler
 GetFileList = False
End Function
Sub Openworkbook(FilenamePath As String)

Workbooks.Open (FilenamePath)

End Sub

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