ok thx , I understand

2011/8/31 Frederic LE GUEN - MVP Excel <fleg...@gmail.com>

> > I have also created thousands of functions, and PivotTables
> Good :)
> > you're asking or you're selling web site?
> I'm am sharing ;)
> As Excel MVP, I have to share my knowledge for free on the web.
> So when a question is in relation with one of the page of my website,
> I post the related page.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> http://twitter.com/exceldailytip
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> 4. Learn VBA Macros at http://www.quickvba.blogspot.com
> 5. Excel Tips and Tricks at http://exceldailytip.blogspot.com
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Some important links for excel users:
1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links : 
2. Join our LinkedIN group @ http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1871310
3. Excel tutorials at http://www.excel-macros.blogspot.com
4. Learn VBA Macros at http://www.quickvba.blogspot.com
5. Excel Tips and Tricks at http://exceldailytip.blogspot.com
To post to this group, send email to excel-macros@googlegroups.com

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