Hi ChilExcel,

I'm glad you have a good solution.


I did not understand the need for a VBA message box when Data Validation
also generates a dialog with it's Error Alert options, but perhaps it is
because you need a custom message depending on what data is duplicated?  If
so, I see your point!


All the best,




From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of ChilExcel
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:32 PM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Help, Alert MsgBox Pair duplicate entry in row


Thanks Asa, but I need to launch MsgBox Alert
I have used function and runs well .. I have no problem

Thanks good contribution

2011/10/5 Asa Rossoff <a...@lovetour.info>

Hi Chil,

I didn't realize you were looking for a pair of cells matching to determine
duplicates when I suggested the data validation rule using countif.


You can modify that data validation rule using a sumproduct formula that
will search for that pair of data.


This validation rule works for me:



Apply this formula with the other info in my first post and I think you'll
be set.


Sumproduct works because it takes as arguments one or more arrays, and can
be used as an alternative way to specify an array formula like this one.





From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of ChilExcel
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 6:33 PM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Help, Alert MsgBox Pair duplicate entry in row


Thanks Rajan I need is to columns B and C (together)
 containing the mirrored pair in same row
 good solution you propose, but only in column B duplicate


Thanks Rajan

2011/10/4 rajan verma <rajanverma1...@gmail.com>

Try this Code :

this Code enable you to check the duplicate entry at the time of Data Entry


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim lngValue    As Long
    Dim intICounter As Integer
    Dim strMsg       As String
    lngValue = Target.Value
    If Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Then
        For intICounter = 1 To Target.Row - 1
            If Range("B" & intICounter).Value = lngValue Then strMsg =
strMsg & "Row" & intICounter & vbCrLf
        Next intICounter
    End If
    If strMsg <> "" Then
    strMsg = "Duplicate Record of " & Target.Value & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &
    MsgBox strMsg
    End If
End Sub

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 10:15 PM, ChilExcel <chilexcel...@gmail.com> wrote:

i Need VB lines codes for 
Alert MsgBox Pair duplicate entry in row
Column D function account and duplicates alerts (NO Problem!)

Attach File , thank you all 


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