Thnaks yaar, but i am new in Macro world so dont know even ABC of it, can u
plz send the final file. I will be very thankful to you. its very urgent for
me plz

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 8:59 PM, NOORAIN ANSARI <>wrote:

> Dear Pravesh,
> Please try through below code..
> Sub ImportPDFFileData()
> 'Author: Steve Lipsman
> 'Purpose: Import PDF File Data Into Excel Worksheet
> 'Other Requirement(s): 'Acrobat' Checked in VBA Tools-References
> 'Reference Renames Itself 'Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Object Library' After
> Reference Is Saved
> 'Declare Variable(s)
> Dim appAA As Acrobat.CAcroApp, docPDF As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
> Dim strFileName As String, intNOP As Integer, arrI As Variant
> Dim intC As Integer, intR As Integer, intBeg As Integer, intEnd As Integer
> 'Initialize Variables
> Set appAA = CreateObject("AcroExch.App"): Set docPDF =
> CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
> 'Set PDF FileName
> strFileName = "Your Full PDF File Pathname Here.pdf"
> 'Read PDF File
> docPDF.Open (strFileName)
> 'Extract Number of Pages From PDF File
> intNOP = docPDF.GetNumPages
> 'Select First Data Cell
> Range("A1").Select
> 'Open PDF File
> ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink strFileName, , True
> 'Loop Through All PDF File Pages
> For intC = 1 To intNOP
> 'Go To Page Number
> SendKeys ("+^n" & intC & "{ENTER}")
> 'Select All Data In The PDF File's Active Page
> SendKeys ("^a"), True
> 'Right-Click Mouse
> SendKeys ("+{F10}"), True
> 'Copy Data As Table
> SendKeys ("c"), True
> 'Minimize Adobe Window
> SendKeys ("%n"), True
> 'Paste Data In This Workbook's Worksheet
> ActiveSheet.Paste
> 'Select Next Paste Cell
> Range("A" & Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row + 2).Select
> 'Maximize Adobe Window
> SendKeys ("%x")
> Next intC
> 'Close Adobe File and Window
> SendKeys ("^w"), True
> 'Empty Object Variables
> Set appAA = Nothing: Set docPDF = Nothing
> 'Select First Cell
> Range("A1").Select
> End Sub
> --
> Thanks & regards,
> Noorain Ansari
>  **<>
> **<>
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Pravesh verma <>wrote:
>> Hi Group, please find 2 files in which below one is a pdf file, and it
>> contain some tables, which i have to convert in excel , after googlng i am
>> able to convert them in excel but still not fully converted, as all rows of
>> pdf file come in one row in excel file as u can see in excel file, and i
>> want each row separately , can you please help. in waiting............
>> --
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>  --
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> Some important links for excel users:
> 1. Follow us on TWITTER for tips tricks and links :
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