Hi Don Guillett

Thanks for your answer. It works perfect in the example. I then hoped
I could change a few things and the it would still work, but I can
not, and I can not see why.

Instead of writing "One", "Two" and so on in Colum A, I would like to
change this for different status, examples could be "Not started",
Awating info", "Finished"

I have tried to put these different status texts into the code, but
then it does not work. I am new to VBA, so I am sorry if this is
obvious to others.

Br. Finn

On 15 Nov., 17:21, "dguillett1" <dguille...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Right click sheet tab>view code>insert this
> Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
> If Target.Count > 1 Or Target.Column <> 1 Then Exit Sub
> Select Case LCase(Target)
> Case Is = "one": x = 1
> Case Is = "one": x = 1
> Case Is = "two": x = 6
> Case Is = "three": x = 3
> Case Is = "four": x = 4
> Case Else
> End Select
> Rows(Target.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = x
> End Sub
> Don Guillett
> SalesAid Software
> dguille...@gmail.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: FJO
> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:49 AM
> Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Conditional formatting of entire row using VBA
> Hi
> Can anyone help me with the VBA code for conditional formatting in
> Excel.
> I have af worksheet of 1000 rows with 5 colums. I have data in colum
> B;E and would like Excel to format the rows in a colour depending of
> what I write in colum A.
> I have 5 different text imput I can chose for each row, lets call
> them
> "one"
> "two"
> "Three"
> "Four"
> "Five"
> ...just to keep this example as simple as possible.
> If I write "one" in A2, I would like Excel to color Row 2 in one
> color, if I write "Two" then another color and so on.
> I found out how to color the cell I changed, but I would like to have
> the whole row colored.
> I hope someone can send me an example.
> --
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