If you are using Excel 2007+, use COUNTIFS for count and SUMIFS for sum.
If using an older Excel, use SUMPRODUCT for either.

IF(AND(data!F:F = "A"),and(data!B:B, = "04 - Closed Won"), and(data!
D:D, = Oct-11),count, "0")

=COUNTIFS(data!F:F,"A",data!B:B,"04 - Closed Won",data!D:D,DATE(2011,10,1))

I think does what you are trying to do... This is the equivalent SUMPRODUCT:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(data!F:F="A",--(data!B:B="04 - Closed Won"),--(data!

SUMPRODUCT is more versatile of the two, but also more cryptic when used for
these purposes.  COUNTIFS and SUMIFS are much faster.

Read the help for COUNTIFS/SUMIFS if you have a newer Excel.

By the way, your use of AND() is incorrect.  Excel evaluates formulas from
the inside out -- not the same as human language.  Look for the most nested
parenthesis and resolve that part of the formula in your mind first, then
look at the next nesting level outside of that... repeat until you've
resolved everything.

If you realize that, then you'lll see that the "and" in AND(data!F:F = "A")
won't do anything.. there is only one thing inside the parenthesis.  AND
works with a list or array of things and returns TRUE if all of them are
true, otherwise false.

-----Original Message-----
From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Jedi Spencee
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 9:30 AM
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Need Help with IF(AND formula

Hello- I am trying to write a formula that would return the COUNT and
SUM, with 3 criteria elements.

IF(AND(data!F:F = "A"),and(data!B:B, = "04 - Closed Won"), and(data!
D:D, = Oct-11),count, "0")

Can this be done?

Thank you.

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