Hi Jim,

I'm glad my code worked out!


By "selecting cells" I'm actually referring to the use of the .Select method
that you use.  Referring to cells using A1-type notation is fine, especially
if you have a specific cell or range to refer to.  There are several ways of
referring to cells in VBA, and they each have their place.. but focusing on
my point.. it really has to do with the difference between how you would
work with a spreadsheet manually and what a VBA macro needs to do.


When you use RANGE.Select (however you specify the range), you move the
selection pointer in the spreadsheet, highlighting a different cell.  Unless
you need to do this so that when the macro ends, the user finds different
cells selected, or for a few rare circumstance, like printing a range of
cells to a printer when printing the selection is convenient, there are
quicker ways to work with cells from a macro.


Instead of changing the Selection in your code, it is usually better to use
a Range variable to keep track of the cells you want to work with/refer to.


For example -


Dim Cell As Range

With ActiveSheet

    For Each Cell In


    Next Cell

End With


Will loop through all used cells in column A of the active worksheet and
multiply their value times 2 without changing the selection.  (It will give
an error though if some cells are non-numeric).


In your case, you could Dim a variable as a Long integer:

Dim RowNum As Long


And increment that number at each turn of the loop.  Then use
Cells(RowNum,1) to refer to column A, Cells(RowNum,2) to refer to column B,


Where possible, I prefer to define an entire range before beginning the loop
and using For Each as In my first example.   But I'm flexible.. There are
times when using a simple For/Next loop with Cells() is the most elegant and
simple.  I use Do/Loop when the loop is iterated conditionally rather than a
set number of times or through a set range, much like you have.


Tools for defining a range when you don't already know its bounds include
WORKSHEET.UsedRange, RANGE.CurrentRegion, RANGE.SpecialCells,
Application.Intersect, and Application.Union.




From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of tom rowe
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 8:17 PM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Incrementing Row by 1 in a Variable


Asa, first off, thank you for your fast response.


I think I understand your logic and it seems so simple :-)


In you reference to my rookie mistake and selecting cells, are you
suggesting that I do not need to call out the absolute cell reference (i.e.,
A1) but can use Cells(x.x).Select command?


Thanks again,



On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Asa Rossoff <a...@lovetour.info> wrote:

Hi TomR,


You can use the same technique you use to increment the row selected at the
end of the loop to reference cells in the selected row: the Offset property.


(The main rookie mistake I will mention is that there is no need to select
cells at all in a macro - you can reference them anyway... no biggie, but it
is much faster execution).


Changing your problem lines of code to the following should work:

Ext_Number = Selection.Value

Display_Name = Selection.Offset(0,2).Value

MAC_Address = Selection.Offset(0,1).Value




-----Original Message-----
From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of TomR
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:16 PM
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Incrementing Row by 1 in a Variable


Hi all, I'm new to the group and pretty new to Excel/VBA programming;

learning while drowning.


I'm building a macro to convert a text data/configuration file with

data from an Excel spreadsheet. I'm using a variable that references a

cell where I'm getting the first portion of my data from. I'm using

the variable because the data that is returned the variable I'm

placing in to the config file.


The problem I'm having is I need to increment the row by 1 and do some

comparisons to determine if there is more data, etc. The issue is how

do I increment the row by1?


Here is a snapshot of my code so far. I know there are probably a ton

of "rookie" mistakes or bad practices but I'm under a time crunch and

need to resolve this as soon as possible. I put an arrow in the code

where I'm stuck.


Thanks for any assistance on this.



Sub MAC_Address_Routine()


' MAC_Address_Routine Macro



Dim IP_Address As String    ' IP address of SIP Span

Dim Auth_Name As String     ' Deafualy UserName of SIP Span

Dim Password As String      ' Default Password of SIP Span

Dim Ext_Number As String    ' Ext# of SIP telephone

Dim Display_Name As String  ' Display name of telephone

Dim MAC_Address As String   ' MAC address of telephone and SaveAs file


Dim FileName As String      ' User to Concatenate file and path

Dim RowCounter As Integer   ' Used to increment row number when

looking for Ext #s


Ext_Number = Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("A9")


' Initialise SIP Span Variables

IP_Address = Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("C3")

Auth_Name = Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("C4")

Password = Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("C5")

RowCounter = 0


' Routine to work through Extension List - This module will look for

Ext #s starting at A9 in MAC_Address

' file and modify the following fields. When the module finds a blank

Ext # cell it is finished.



        Do Until Selection.Value = ""

                  If Selection.Value > "" Then



                    ' Initialise Telephone specific variables

                       Ext_Number =

Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("A9")  <---------------- Here's my


                        Display_Name =

Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("C9 ")  <---------------- Here's my


                        MAC_Address =

Worksheets("Enter_Users").Range("B9")  <---------------- Here's my


                        FileName = ("C:\Users\trowe.VERTICAL\Desktop

\Edge 5000i Script Project\Test Files\" + MAC_Address)


                   ***Data of macro works here


                    'Move down 1 row

                        Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select



                    'Move down 1 row

                        Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select


                  End If


                If Selection.Value = "" Then Exit Do




            'Define starting point of range



End Sub



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