Try this:


Sub GetOutput()

    Dim rngFrom As Range

    Dim rngTo As Range

    Dim rngCell As Range

    Dim wksOutput As Worksheet

    Dim rngCell2 As Range

    Dim lngRow As Long


    Set rngFrom = Range("rngFrom").Resize(Range("rngFrom").End(xlDown).Row -
(Range("rngFrom").Row - 1), 1)

    Set rngTo = Range("rngTo").Resize(1,
Range("rngto").End(xlToRight).Column - (Range("rngTo").Column - 1))

    Set wksOutput = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add

    lngRow = 2

    For Each rngCell In rngFrom

        For Each rngCell2 In rngTo

            wksOutput.Range("A" & lngRow).Value = rngCell.Value

            wksOutput.Range("B" & lngRow).Value = rngCell2.Value

            wksOutput.Range("C" & lngRow).Value =
rngCell2.Offset(rngCell.Row - 12).Value

            lngRow = lngRow + 1




End Sub


From: []
On Behalf Of Pehrson, Dave
Sent: Jan/Fri/2012 01:39
Cc: 'ashish koul'
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Data Matrix Macro



I have developed a matrix to capture change over time from one production
model to another, and now I need to upload into a software package with a
format as 













(see attached partial example of requested output.


The process I used manually is outlined as shown below, I'm not a programmer
and you may know a more efficient process to achieve the desired results.  I
assume a series of loops would be required.   (Note: as I do this process in
different areas, the number of data sets will be different and I assume
would become a variable. )


1.      Define number of data sets (Constant) by counting the number of
parts on the list in column  H 

2.      Copy part numbers in column H (Data Matrix) to D4 in (Output)

3.      Copy the first number in the data set and paste to C4 in (output)

a.     Copy that part to end of data set in column D

4.      Copy the Times in Row I13 to I plus 21 (constant) row 13 and paste
to (output) E4 (transposed)

5.      Repeat this process 21 (constant times) advancing the part number
for column C by one, and the data in data row by one row


I hope this is clear, please let me know if you have any questions.  Your
support and expertise is greatly appreciated.  Again I'm not a programmer so
if you have a better way than I outlined in my manual steps above,  please
go with your ideas,  It's the results that's important and I'm always trying
to learn more effective routines.




David Pehrson

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