Hi Kal,

Here's a solution using a UDF (user-defined function).  It solves an issue I
saw with the other proposals that they will generate a new date any time a
cell is edited, even if not changed, or even during any worksheet
calculation.  It also works when multiple serial numbers or document IDs are
entered or changed in one operation (copy/paste, fill) unlike the
Worksheet_Change event proposed (although that could be overcome).


Personally, I would usually prefer a Worksheet_Change event, since formulas
aren't ideally suited to retaining permanent values, and depending on how
written, Worksheet_Change could allow for manually changing/correcting the
date (a formula couldn't do that unless the override were entered in another
cell).  Worksheet_Change could also only calculate a new date if the date
cell is empty, offering maximum protection against accidental recalculation.
On the other hand, the code would probably need to be maintained later if
the worksheet layout changes, and not everyone is comfortable with that.


Here's my UDF version that stores the last serial number/key value and date
in a hidden cell property called ID, allowing it to only calculate a new
date if the serial number/key value changes:


Function FreezeDate(KeyValue As String) As Variant

Const IDTag = "FreezeDate", FormatString = "yyyy-mm-dd"

Dim lastID As String, newID As String, ParsedID() As String

Dim retDate As Variant

    On Error Resume Next


    ' Return empty string if no KeyValue or bug.

    retDate = ""


    ' No KeyValue, no return date

    ' -- But the ID is preserved and the last date saved will be returned

    '    if a matching KeyValue is subsequently provided for this cell

    '    (useful for copy/paste date preservation)

    If KeyValue <> vbNullString Then

        With Application.Caller

            lastID = .id

            ParsedID = Split(lastID, "&")

            If UBound(ParsedID) = 2 And ParsedID(0) = IDTag Then

                ' Seemingly valid ID found, be ready to return last date

                retDate = CDate(ParsedID(2))

                ' Truncate date from lastID for newID/lastID comparison

                lastID = ParsedID(0) & "&" & ParsedID(1)

            End If

            newID = IDTag & "&" & KeyValue

            If newID <> lastID Then

                retDate = Date

                .id = newID & "&" & Format(retDate, FormatString)

            End If

        End With

    End If


    FreezeDate = retDate

End Function


To use this UDF, put it in any module (or a new module) in the Visual Basic
Editor, then in the date column, use this formula (as written for row 2):



Replace A2 with a reference to any value that you want the date to be
associated with.  If that value changes, the date will be recalculated, but
not for any other reason.


There is a limitation to this UDF:  There are certain symbol characters that
the KeyValue can't contain or the UDF will malfunction.  That's because not
all characters can be stored in a cell's ID property (the ID property is
designed for HTML export use).


To see how the old date and KeyValue (or serial number) is stored, you can
use this UDF to view the hidden info:


Function id(ref As Range)


    id = ref.id

End Function





From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Kal xcel
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 3:00 AM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Date (value pest) query


Dear Experts,


I am trying to make a document tracker, where I want to put date
automatically. If you see the attachment, when I am giving serial no.
Document no. & date will be appeared automatically. But next day that date
changing to current date which I don't want. 

Is there any process to keep the date fixed.

Please help.


Kalyan Chattopadhyay


Executive Sales Coordinator

R. S. H. Pvt. Ltd.


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