On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:34:49 PM UTC+5:30, Ganesh S wrote:
> Hi All,
> I got the below coding from some other sites.. but while executing this 
> macro, i got error messages and i can't solve this coding issue. Please 
> help me to get resolve or any new coding to split tif images thru excel vba 
> macro.
> "*************************
> Option Explicit
> Dim ImageFile As Long
> Dim BitMapImage As Long
> Private Sub cmdFile_Click()
> cmdSplit.Enabled = False
> ' create a open dialog so that you can select
> ' the multipage tiff to split
> CommonDialog.InitDir = App.Path
> CommonDialog.DialogTitle = "Select Multi Page TIFF"
> CommonDialog.DefaultExt = "*.TIF"
> CommonDialog.Filter = "TIF Files|*.TIF|TIFF Files|*.TIFF"
> CommonDialog.ShowOpen
> If (Len(CommonDialog.Filename) > 0) Then
> ' apply the selected image to the Kodak
> ' thumbnail control to display icons of the
> ' different pages
> imgThumb.Image = CommonDialog.Filename
> imgThumb.Refresh
> ' use the FreeImage DLL to open the multipage
> ' TIFF file, and use the GetPageCount function
> ' to determine if there are multiple pages to
> ' process
> ImageFile = FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(FIF_TIFF, _
> CommonDialog.Filename, False, True)
> If (FreeImage_GetPageCount(ImageFile) > 1) Then
> cmdSplit.Enabled = True
> End If
> ' update caption bar with filename + page count
> Caption = CommonDialog.Filename & " " & _
> FreeImage_GetPageCount(ImageFile) & " page(s)"
> ' close the multi-page TIFF file
> Call FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap(ImageFile)
> End If
> End Sub
> Private Sub cmdSplit_Click()
> Dim pages As Integer
> Dim i As Integer
> ' use the FreeImage DLL to open the multipage
> ' TIFF file, and use the GetPageCount function
> ' to determine if there are multiple pages to process
> ImageFile = FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(FIF_TIFF, _
> CommonDialog.Filename, False, True)
> pages = FreeImage_GetPageCount(ImageFile)
> i = 0
> Do While i <= (pages - 1)
> ' use the lock page function to copy that
> ' page into a new variable BitMapImage
> BitMapImage = FreeImage_LockPage(ImageFile, i)
> ' save that page out to a new filename
> Call FreeImage_Save(FIF_TIFF, BitMapImage, _
> App.Path & "\page" & i + 1 & ".tif")
> ' unlock the page
> Call FreeImage_UnlockPage(ImageFile, i, False)
> i = i + 1
> Loop
> ' close the multi-page TIFF file
> Call FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap(ImageFile)
> ' feedback to user that process is complete
> MsgBox pages & " pages, split from " & _
> CommonDialog.Filename, vbInformation, "Complete"
> End Sub
> *****************************
> I will expect your views and suggestion to get solution for this coding. 
> Please let me know if you have any clairifications.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ganesh 

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