Hi Prince

Is there any reason not to think that an "Out of memory" message mens that
the computer is out of memory.

There are a number of possible causes which could include:

Not enough physical memory
Too many other programs running
Not enough disk space for paging memory
A program (not necessarily your one) which is badly written and uses memory
(a memory leak)
Inappropriately configured virtual memory
Defective physical memory
A virus
and probably many others

Start by finding out how much memory is installed on each of the machines.
Then look at running processes in Task Manager.  See if one of these uses
excessive memory and if it is needed.
have a look at the configuration of virtual memory and see if ti is
appropriate, given the speed of the computer, the hard disk and the amount
of physical memory
See if the amount of memory reported by the system (on My Computer -
properties) is the same as the installed memory
Make sure the computer has a good antivirus program running and that a
recent scan has been done.

If you compare the two computers in all these respects you may find out why
one runs out of memory and the other does not.

David Grugeon

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