Hi David,
True.  The worksheet as posted had no formulas, but it is worth trying and
would likely be beneficial if the macro will be used on a sheet with
The "fast" version of the function probably only has 4 lines of VBA that
could trigger calculation(one shifts the values with a range.value2
assignment, one clears a group of cells, the third inserts a group of rows,
and the fourth places text in a cell of each of the newly inserted rows),
which might mean that only 4 recalculations could be triggered (though I'm
not sure on that).
The simpler function takes action on each record/group of cells individually
in a loop, and would likely benefit greatly from disabling calculation if
there are formulas.

-----Original Message-----
From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of David Grugeon
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2012 5:00 PM
To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Request for support for a looping macro

I wonder if it would speed it up if you set calculation to xlmanual?

David Grugeon

On 21 October 2012 03:23, Asa Rossoff <a...@lovetour.info> wrote:
> Hi Diamond Dave,
> I started out planning to give you a few general thoughts just based on
> email, without having seen the workbook.  I typed out more than a few in
> end, and then thought, if that was worth the time, it's surely worth the
> time to find your old message, open your attachment and actually take a
> look.
> When I took a look, I found that none of my typed examples, although I
> would be generally educational, would get you all the way to a solution.
> I worked up a working rewrite of your routine for you.  I will list that
> first.
> This working version doesn't use A1 for the number of shifts to perform.
> calculates the same for display purposes (status bar), but in fact it
> its way down the sheet using the equivalent of Ctrl-DownArrow --
> RANGE.End(xlDown) -- and processes each dataset/record that it finds and
> that needs shifting (it won't shift ones that have already been shifted).
> See attached file or download the same: Fast Shifting of disparate
> ranges-for Diamond (asa).xls
> https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bwkcc6g0MuPTUWZFQTE1RG1mZ1k
> Although this macro looks much different from yours, the effect is
> essentially the same. cut and paste each dataset:
> Sub asaShiftData()
> Dim Worksheet As Worksheet
> Dim DataSet As Range, TopLeft As Range
> Dim Rows As Long, Counter As Long, Counter2 As Long, Total As Long
> Dim Status As String
>     Set Worksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Header")
>     Set TopLeft = Worksheet.Range("E1").End(xlDown).End(xlDown)
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
>     Total = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheet.Range("B:B")) - 1
>     Do While TopLeft.Value <> ""
>         Counter2 = Counter2 + 1
>         If Counter2 Mod 10 = 0 Then DoEvents
>         Set DataSet = Worksheet.Range(TopLeft,
> TopLeft.End(xlToRight).End(xlDown))
>         If TopLeft.Offset(, -1).Value = "" Then
>             Counter = Counter + 1
>             DataSet.Cut Destination:=DataSet.Offset(, -1)
>             Rows = DataSet.Rows.Count
>             TopLeft.Offset(Rows).EntireRow.Insert
>             TopLeft.Offset(Rows).Value = "Variance"
>             Set TopLeft = TopLeft.Offset(, 1)
>         End If
>         Set TopLeft = TopLeft.End(xlDown).End(xlDown).End(xlDown)
>         GoSub GetStatus
>         Application.StatusBar = Status
>     Loop
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
>     Application.StatusBar = False
>     MsgBox Status
>     Exit Sub
> GetStatus:
>     Status = "Shifted " & Counter & " of " & Counter2 & "(" & Total & ")
> production lines.  " & Int(Counter2 / Total * 100) & "% complete."
> Return
> End Sub
> After testing the above macro with about 1,000 datasets to shift, I was
> concerned about the time it took: about 5.5 minutes.  So I worked up a
> efficient, but more complex version that did the same in 58 seconds.  It
> a few limitations, mentioned in comments in the code, but is suitable for
> most purposes:
> Sub asaShiftDataFast()
> Dim Worksheet As Worksheet
> Dim SourceRange As Range, InsertRange As Range, Cells As Range
> Dim DestinationRange As Range, DestCell1 As Range
> Dim SrcCol As Range, SrcCell As Range
> Dim TopLeft As Range, FirstColumn As Range
> Dim ColIdx As Long, ColLeftIdx As Long, ColRightIdx As Long
> Dim RowIdx As Long, RowCount As Long
> Dim Total As Long
> Dim SrcFont As Font, DestFont1 As Font
> Dim Abort As Boolean
>     Set Worksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Header")
>     Set TopLeft = Worksheet.Range("E1").End(xlDown)
>     Set FirstColumn = TopLeft.EntireColumn
>     Total = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheet.Range("B:B")) - 1
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
>     'Find rows that need shifting
>     'This approach is limited to 8,192 product lines
>     '  (areas in the range) in Excel versions < Excel 2010.
>     Application.StatusBar = "Identifying records that need shifting..."
>     On Error Resume Next ' specialcells generates error if no cells
>     Set SourceRange = FirstColumn.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
>     If SourceRange Is Nothing Then
>         Err.Clear
>         Set SourceRange = FirstColumn.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
>     Else
>         Set SourceRange = Union(SourceRange,
> FirstColumn.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants))
>     End If
>     Set SourceRange = SourceRange.Offset(,
> -1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
>     Abort = Err.Number <> 0 'nothing to shift...
>     If Not Abort Then
>         Set SourceRange = SourceRange.Offset(,
> -2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
>         Abort = Err.Number <> 0 'nothing to shift...
>         On Error GoTo 0 ' stop ignoring errors
>         If Not Abort Then
>             Set SourceRange = Intersect(SourceRange.EntireRow,
> Worksheet.Range(TopLeft, TopLeft.End(xlToRight)).EntireColumn)
>             'Check for formulas that will be lost.
>             On Error Resume Next
>             SourceRange.SpecialCells xlCellTypeFormulas 'discard result
>             If Err.Number = 0 Then
>                 Abort = MsgBox( _
>                           "Warning - some cells contain formulas that will
> be converted to values when shifted." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Continue?", _
>                           vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
>                           "ShiftData - Warning" _
>                         ) = vbNo
>             End If
>         Else
>             MsgBox "Nothing to do."
>         End If
>     Else
>         MsgBox "Nothing to do."
>     End If
>     On Error GoTo 0
>     If Not Abort Then
>         'Perform Shift (note:cut/paste won't work with many areas - but
> will)
>         Application.StatusBar = "Shifting data..."
>         Set DestinationRange = SourceRange.Offset(, -1)
>         DestinationRange.Value2 = SourceRange.Value2
>         'Transfer some basic formatting
>         '  Unlike cell values, we can't transfer the formatting
>         '  en bloc, so we assume each area is formatted alike
>         '  to save time.  The strategy used here assumes each
>         '  area is the same shape and size.
>         Application.StatusBar = "Formatting data..."
>         With DestinationRange.Areas(1).Columns
>             ColLeftIdx = .Item(1).Column
>             ColRightIdx = .Item(.Count).Column
>         End With
>         For ColIdx = ColLeftIdx To ColRightIdx
>             DoEvents
>             With Intersect(Worksheet.Columns(ColIdx), DestinationRange)
>                 Set SrcCol = .Offset(, 1)
>                 RowCount = .Areas(1).Rows.Count
>                 For RowIdx = 1 To RowCount
>                     With Intersect(.Offset(RowCount - 1),
> .Rows).Offset(RowIdx - RowCount)
>                         Set SrcCell = .Cells(1, 2)
>                         Set DestCell1 = .Cells(1)
>                         If DestCell1.NumberFormat <> SrcCell.NumberFormat
> Then .NumberFormat = SrcCell.NumberFormat
>                         Set SrcFont = SrcCell.Font
>                         Set DestFont1 = DestCell1.Font
>                         With .Font
>                             If DestFont1.Name <> SrcFont.Name Then .Name =
> SrcFont.Name
>                             If DestFont1.FontStyle <> SrcFont.FontStyle
> .FontStyle = SrcFont.FontStyle
>                             If DestFont1.Size <> SrcFont.Size Then .Size =
> SrcFont.Size
>                             If DestFont1.Color <> SrcFont.Color Then
> = SrcFont.Color
>                        End With
>                     End With
>                 Next RowIdx
>             End With
>         Next ColIdx
>         Application.StatusBar = False
>         'Clear column to the right of DestinationRange
>         '  SrcCol is set to the rightmost destination column at end of
> loop.
>         SrcCol.Offset(, 1).Clear
>         'Find row below each area
>         DoEvents
>         Set InsertRange =
> - 1)
>         Set InsertRange = Intersect(InsertRange, SourceRange).Offset(1)
>         'Insert rows (this is the most time consuming part)
>         Application.StatusBar = "Inserting rows..."
>         DoEvents
>         InsertRange.EntireRow.Insert
>         'Find first cells below shifted range and put new value in them.
>         Application.StatusBar = "Adding new label..."
>         DoEvents
>         Set Cells = Intersect(InsertRange,
> InsertRange.Columns(1).EntireColumn).Offset(-1, -1)
>         Cells.Value2 = "Variance"
>     End If
>     Application.StatusBar = False
>     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
>     If Not Abort Then MsgBox "Shifted " & Cells.Cells.Count & " of " &
> & " production lines."
> End Sub
> Below are my original comments before looking at your file.  The code is
> untested.
> ###################################################
> Its true that your code is more complex than necessary.  I will try to
> you a few thoughts.
> The simple answer to your question is you write a basic For/Next loop like
> this:
> Dim DataSetNumber As Long ' Put variable declarations at top of procedure
> For DataSetNumber = 1 to 1000
>     ' put stuff here to repeat
> Next DataSetNumber
> You can extend this to using the value in A1.  Using your current code
> style, like this:
> Dim DataSetNumber As Long
> Dim DataSetCount As Long
> DataSetCount = Range("A1").Value
> For DataSetNumber = 1 to DataSetCount
>     ' put stuff here to repeat
> Next DataSetNumber
> For a macro to be quick, efficient, succint, and simple, you should
> seek to avoid a few things I see in your code: selecting ranges,
> copying/cutting and pasting, references to the active cell (unless
> required and the cell active before running the macro).  If the value in
> is only calculated there for the benefit of the macro, you should instead
> calculate the value in the macro.
> ' To include the calculation you have in A1 in your macro itsef, you could
> do this:
> Dim DataSetCount As Long
> DataSetCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B:B")) - 2
> The basic principle to replacement of selecting cells and referring to the
> selection is: (1) when you want to select cells, instead assign the cells
> a Range variable.  (2) when you want to refer to the selection, instead
> refer to the Range variable.  (3) when you want to extend or modify the
> selection, instead extend or modify the Range Variable.
> E.g. , I will demonstrate replacement of the uses of Select and Selection
> the following code.
> 'Your current version:
> Range("E4").Select
> Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
> Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
> New Version without Select or Selection, and further simplified by
> RANGE.End properties with a single use of RANGE.CurrentRegion, which has
> subtle differences but it sounds it will suit your purposes at least as
> (it casts a slightly larger net since it refers to the rectangular range
> containing a referenced cell/range with any path of contiguously used
> in it,., This ordinarily represents a table of data well).
> Dim DataSetSource As Range
> Set DataSetSource = Range("E4").CurrentRegion
> A second look at your code, and I am not certain that my example using
> CurrentRegion will work for you after all, though you can try it.  If
> is data anywhere in column D, next to your data, it will get included too.
> Also included will be anything touching the area in rows 1-3.  Two of
> alternatives: (1) Use the RANGE.End properties, similar to how you already
> were, (2) Use RANGE.Find to find the lower right cell instead of the two
> Ends.  This works in reverse and assumes the worksheet is blank below and
> the right of your data.  An advantage is that it is insensitive to gaps in
> the data).
> 'E.g. 1: Simple version using End to determine right and bottom extents.
> This works out the same as your original code.
> Dim DataSetSource As Range
> With Range("E4")
>     Set DataSetSource = Range(.Cells, .End(xlToRight).End(xlDown))
> End With
> 'E.g. 2: Using a hybrid approach with RANGE.Find to find the bottom row.
> Dim DataSetSource As Range
> Dim StartRow As Long
> With Range("E4")
>     Set DataSetSource = Range(.Cells, .End(xlToRight))
> End With
> StartRow = DataSetSource.EntireRow.Row
> With DataSetSource
>     Set DataSetSource = .Resize(Rows.Count - StartRow + 1, .Columns.Count)
>     Set DataSetSource = .Resize(.Find("*", LookIn:=xlValues,
> SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).EntireRow.Row - StartRow + 1, .Columns.Count)
> End With
> For reliable code, you should "qualify" all object references sufficiently
> to be unambiguous.  Unqualified references like Range(..) instead of
> WORKBOOK.WORKSHEET.Range() are prone to misinterpretation.  VBA may make
> different assumptions depending on the context of your code and what
> worksheet is active.  A qualified reference specifies all parent objects,
> although it is acceptable to leave out the topmost parent -- the library
> name -- for objects available by default in Excel in the 99% of cases
> it works without the reference (For example, there is usually no need to
> prefix anything with "VBA.", and in most cases no need to prefix members
> the Application object with "Application.".  Unqualified references can
> debugging your code difficult, too, since you will have to make a lot of
> assumptions as you examine the code, some of which may be incorrect.
> using plenty of well-named and typed variables can help make your code
> easier to understand as well as run faster whenever you refer to the
> variable more than once insterad of redefining whatever its value or
> would be each time you need it.  If you perform the same actoins
> in your macro, you should seek to structure your code such that repetions
> are minimized.  This can be done using loops, If/Then statements to handle
> variations, and encapsulating the reptitive code into separate procedures
> (Functions or Subs), or Classes (Classes are more advanced).  Try to take
> the approach that makes the most streamlined code, even if the path taken
> your desired end result is different than that you would take if doing the
> task manually.  It takes experience and/or study to get better at that.
> 'I think the below will perform the same functions as your original code,
> but untested.
> 'For the loop I have assumed you want to just continue until no more
> datasets are found.
> 'I treated Data Set 1 and Data Set 2 as an irrelevant distinction, since
> your code handles
> 'both the same and one is right above the other one that you want to loop.
> Sub ShiftDataSets
> Dim Ws As Worksheet
> Dim Position As Range
>     Set Ws = ActiveSheet
>     'Or if you want to act on a specific sheet uncomment and change below
> line:
>     'Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet Name")
>     Set Position = Ws.Range("E4")
>     Do While Not IsEmpty(Position.Value)
>         ShiftDataSet Position
>         Set Position = Position.Offset (4, 1)
>     Loop
> End Sub
> ' ShiftData's Position is returned modified with end position
> Sub ShiftDataSet (ByRef Position As Range)
> Dim DataSetSource As Range
> Dim NewRow As Range
>     Set Ws = Position.Parent
>     With Position
>         Set DataSetSource = Ws.Range(.Cells, .End(xlToRight).End(xlDown))
>     End With
>     With DataSetSource
>         .Offset(0, -1).Value = .Value
>         .Columns(.Columns.Count).Clear
>         Set NewRow = .Rows(1).EntireRow.Offset(3, 0)
>     End With
>     NewRow.Insert
>     Set Position = NewRow.Cells(1)
>     Position.Value = "variance"
> End Sub
> It might be possible to shift all the datasets at once, making it much
> faster if you have many datasets.
> [postscript: that is the tactic of the asaShiftDataFast() routine near the
> beginning of this email.]
> We could modify the loop for inserting rows/"variance", for even better
> performance like so:
> 'option 1 - a string of comma separated row ranges in the form
> "4:4,7:7,10:10" will not exceed 255 characters - fastest
> Dim InsertRangeAddress As Variant
> Dim InsertRange As Range
>     InsertRangeAddress = Null
>     For Row = 4 To StopRow Step 3
>         InsertRangeAddress = (InsertRangeAddress + ",") & Row & ":" & Row
>     Next Row
>     Set InsertRange = Ws.Range(InsertRangeAddress)
>     InsertRange.Insert
>     Intersect(DataSetDestination.Columns(1).EntireColumn,
> InsertRange).Offset(-1, 0).Value = "variance"
> 'option 2 - like option 1, but handles excessive rows by working in groups
> of 255 characters or less (still very fast)
> ' works for any number of rows
> Dim InsertRangeAddress As Variant
> Dim LastInsertRangeAddress As Variant
> Dim InsertRange As Range
> Dim Column1 As Range
>     Set Column1 = DataSetDestination.Columns(1).EntireColumn
>     LastInsertRangeAddress = Null
>     Row = StopRow
>     Do Until Row <= 1
>         InsertRangeAddress = (LastInsertRangeAddress + ",") & Row & ":" &
> Row
>         If Len(InsertRangeAddress) > 255 Then
>             GoSub InsertVariance
>             Row = Row + 3
>         ElseIf Row <= 4 Then
>             GoSub InsertVariance
>         End If
>         LastInsertRangeAddress = InsertRangeAddress
>         Row = Row - 3
>     Loop
>     Exit Sub
> InsertVariance:
>     Set InsertRange = Ws.Range(LastInsertRangeAddress)
>     InsertRange.Insert
>     Intersect(Column1, InsertRange).Offset(-1, 0).Value = "variance"
>     InsertRangeAddress = Null
>     Return
> Another alternative is to use Union() to assemble one big InsertRange and
> then perform a single insert.  This works for any number of rows, but the
> more rows there are, the slower the Union operation is to add an
> row to the range, so for many rows it would be slower than the two options
> detailed above.
> ###########################################
> Asa
> From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Pehrson, Dave
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:19 AM
> To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
> Cc: dguille...@gmail.com
> Subject: RE: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Request for support for a looping macro
> Don,  I apologize for a delayed response,   your response was shuffled my
> "junk" mail, and I had overlooked it.  I appreciate you looking at my
> request.  I'm not a programmer, so you are right on,  I often do things
> hard way, not knowing the easy way.  Let me re-think the request and
> respond.
> Again thanks so very much looking at the request
> Dave
> From: excel-macros@googlegroups.com [mailto:excel-macros@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Don Guillett
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 3:49 PM
> To: excel-macros@googlegroups.com
> Cc: 'ashish koul'
> Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Re: Request for support for a looping macro
> Methinks you are making this much more difficult than necessary.
> Either fully explain what you want with before/after example
> If all else fails, send file to dguillett1 @gmail.com
> On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 4:33:57 PM UTC-5, Diamond Dave wrote:
> Attached is a file which contains a Macro (Shift Data).
> There is a variable number of data sets (all the same configuration)
> in Cell A1 with the formula A1=Counta(B:B)-2  which defines the actual
> number of data sets.
> The macro (below) defines what needs to be done to the first and Second
> set
>   'Data Set 1
>    Range("E4").Select
>     Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
>     Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
>     Selection.Cut
>     ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
>     ActiveSheet.Paste
>     ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Select
>     Selection.EntireRow.Insert
>     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "variance"
>     ActiveCell.Offset(4, 1).Select
>  'Data Set 2
>     Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
>     Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
>     Selection.Cut
>     ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
>     ActiveSheet.Paste
>     ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Select
>     Selection.EntireRow.Insert
>     ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "variance"
>     ActiveCell.Offset(4, 1).Select
> How would I write a loop which will perform the function for "Data SET 2"
> the number of times shown in cell A1?
> Your Support is greatly appreciated
> David Pehrson
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