Thank you so much Natron.

You have made my work very easy.

Thanks again.

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Natron <> wrote:

> See attached, with the code I used below...there are many other ways to do
> this.
> 'This is hooked to your Export Specific Data Button on your form
> Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
> Dim intStart As Integer, intEnd As Integer
>     On Error GoTo whoops
>     intStart = Me.txtStart
>     intEnd = Me.txtEnd
>     If intStart > intEnd Then GoTo whoops
>     exportme
>     Me.Hide
>     Exit Sub
> whoops:
>     MsgBox "Please enter two integers and try again"
> End Sub
> 'This is put into a Module
> Sub exportme()
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> 'Original Script Written by
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> Dim rRange As Range
> Dim strCriteria As String, strCriteria2 As String
> Dim lCol As Long
> Dim rHeaderCol As Range
> Dim xlCalc As XlCalculation
>     On Error Resume Next
> Step1:
>     Set rRange = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
>     'Cancelled or non valid rage
>     If rRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
>      'Awlays use GoTo when selecting range so doesn't matter which
> Worksheet
>      Application.Goto rRange.Rows(1), True
> step2:
>     lCol = 1
> Step3:
>     strCriteria = frmExport.txtStart
>     strCriteria2 = frmExport.txtEnd
>     'Store current Calculation then switch to manual.
>     'Turn off events and screen updating
>     With Application
>         xlCalc = .Calculation
>         .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
>         .EnableEvents = False
>         .ScreenUpdating = False
>     End With
>     'Remove any filters
>     ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
>     Dim s As Range
>     With rRange 'Filter, offset(to exclude headers)
>       .AutoFilter Field:=lCol, Criteria1:=">=" & strCriteria,
> Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=" & strCriteria2
>       .Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
>     End With
>     Workbooks.Add
>     ActiveSheet.Paste
>     ChDir "C:\"
>     ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\YourFile.xlsx", FileFormat:= _
>         xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
>     ActiveWorkbook.Save
>     ActiveWindow.Close
>     'Remove any filters
>     ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
>       'Revert back
>     With Application
>         .Calculation = xlCalc
>         .EnableEvents = True
>         .ScreenUpdating = True
>     End With
>    On Error GoTo 0
> End Sub
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With regards,


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