In your script, you have a line:
FileName = Dir(CurrDir & "*.*", vbDirectory)
This basically creates a "collection" of information from "CurrDir".
vbDirectory indicates that it is to return "directories or folders in addition 
to files with no attributes".
the statement itself returns the first entry in CurrDir.
to loop through the rest of the entries in Currdir,
you use Dir()
So basically, Filename = Dir(CurrDir & "*.*",vbDirectory)
gets the first entry,
Filename = Dir() 
loops through the rest of the entries.
BTW:  All this can be found using the VBA "help".
hope this helps.

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> From: maksood alam <>
>Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 2:05 PM
>Subject: $$Excel-Macros$$ Please help on FileName = Dir()
>Hi Guys, 
>Can anyone please explaint what  FileName = Dir() is doing in below code. 
>Public Sub RecursiveDir(ByVal CurrDir As String, Optional ByVal Level As Long)
>Dim Dirs() As String
>Dim NumDirs As Long
>Dim FileName As String
>Dim PathAndName As String
>Dim i As Long
>Dim Filesize As Double
>' Make sure path ends in backslash
>If Right(CurrDir, 1) <> "\" Then CurrDir = CurrDir & "\"
>' Put column headings on active sheet
>Cells(1, 1) = "Path"""
>Cells(1, 2) = "Filename"""
>Cells(1, 3) = "Size"""
>Cells(1, 4) = "Date / Time"""
>Range("A1:D1").Font.Bold = True
>' Get files
>FileName = Dir(CurrDir & "*.*", vbDirectory)
>Do While Len(FileName) <> 0
>If Left(FileName, 1) <> "." Then 'Current Dir
>    PathAndName = CurrDir & FileName
>    MsgBox (GetAttr(PathAndName) And vbDirectory)
>        If (GetAttr(PathAndName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
>'store found directories
>            ReDim Preserve Dirs(0 To NumDirs) As String
>            Dirs(NumDirs) = PathAndName
>            NumDirs = NumDirs + 1
>        Else
>'Write the path and file to the sheet
>        Cells(WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1, 1) = _
>        CurrDir
>        Cells(WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B:B")) + 1, 2) = _
>        FileName
>'adjust for filesize > 2 gigabytes
>       Filesize = FileLen(PathAndName)
>            If Filesize < 0 Then Filesize = Filesize + 4294967296#
>                Cells(WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("C:C")) + 1, 3) = Filesize
>                Cells(WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("D:D")) + 1, 4) = _
>                FileDateTime(PathAndName)
>            End If
>        End If
>FileName = Dir()
>' Process the found directories, recursively
>For i = 0 To NumDirs - 1
>RecursiveDir Dirs(i), Level + 2
>Next i
>End Sub 
>Maksood Alam
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