In an excel file,
Change Sheet1 Name as Report and type these:
Sr. Center Name Course Date of Enrol Code
1 Alma Computer Training Institute Suraj basic computer Course 31/12/13 
2 Center3 Name1 Course 5 1/1/2014 
3 Center5 Name2 Course 3 1/4/2014 
4 Center2 Name3 Course 4 1/6/2014 
5 Center4 Name4 Course 2 1/7/2014 
========= ======
Change Sheet2 Name as CourseCodes and type these:
Titles of Courses Course Codes
basic computer Course CC1
Course 2 CC2
Course 3 CC3
Course 4 CC4
Course 5 CC5
============ =========
Change Sheet3 Name as CenterCodes and type these:
Names of Courses Center Codes
Alma Computer Training Institute ACT1
Center2 ACT2
Center3 ACT3
Center4 ACT4
Center5 ACT5
============= =====
Now, Click Alt-F11.
VB Editor will open.
Insert Userform1.
Add a command Button Control to this form from the tool box.
Rename it as cmdGenerateStudentCodes.
(If you want more guidelines on opening and using VB Editor, refer the Net).
=========== =========
Now copy this code in Userform1.
Private Sub cmdGenerateStudentCodes_Click()
 Sheets("Report").Select 'Sheet1
 Dim LstRow As Long
 Dim RowCtr As Long
 Dim CrsTitle As Range
 Dim CntrNam As Range
 Dim srchCrsRange As Range
 Dim srchCenterRange As Range
 Dim FoundCourseTitle As String
 Dim FoundCenterName As String
 Dim StuCounter As Long
 Dim StuNewNum As String
 Dim StuNewCod As String
    LstRow = Sheets("Report").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'to go 
to last data cell inspite of blank cells.  Counts Last Row that has data in 
this column.
    RowCtr = 1
     RowCtr = RowCtr + 1 'Row is incremented
     Set CrsTitle = Sheets("Report").Cells(RowCtr, 4) 'RowCtr is Row. value 
in Row col 4 to find. Col 4 has Course Title.
     Set srchCrsRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("A:B") 'Sheet2 has 
Course Title in ColA and Course Code in ColB
     FoundCourseTitle = Application.VLookup(CrsTitle, srchCrsRange, 2, 
False)  'Col A is Col 1 in this range. So Col B is 2.
     Debug.Print "FoundCourseTitle = " & FoundCourseTitle
     Set CntrNam = Sheets("Report").Cells(RowCtr, 2) 'RowCtr is Row. value 
in Row col 2 to find. Col 2 has Center Name.
     Set srchCenterRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3).Range("A:B") 'Sheet3 has 
Center Name in ColA and Center Code in ColB
     FoundCenterName = Application.VLookup(CntrNam, srchCenterRange, 2, 
False)  'Col A is Col 1 in this range. So Col B is 2.
     Debug.Print "FoundCenterName = " & FoundCenterName
    Range("c" & Trim(Str(RowCtr))).Select
    Debug.Print "Mon  = " & Month(Selection.Offset(0, 2))
    Debug.Print "Day = " & Day(Selection.Offset(0, 2))
    StuCounter = RowCtr - 1
    Debug.Print "StuCounter = " & StuCounter
    StuNewNum = Trim(Str(StuCounter))
    Do While Len(StuNewNum) < 6
     StuNewNum = "0" & StuNewNum
    Debug.Print "StuNewNum = " & StuNewNum
    StuNewCod = FoundCourseTitle & "/" & FoundCenterName & _
      "/" & Month(Selection.Offset(0, 2)) & "/" & Day(Selection.Offset(0, 
2)) & "/" & StuNewNum
      Debug.Print "StuNewCod = " & StuNewCod
    Selection.Offset(0, 3) = StuNewCod
    Loop While RowCtr < LstRow 'will stop if RowCtr > LstRow
    MsgBox "Report prepared!"
End Sub
Clik the Userform name on the left panel on top portion.
The Code will be hidden and the form will appear.
Click on the tiny triangle on top or close the file, save and open again.
Run the code. Hope this helps.

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