Hey Muneera, 

One last change has been done in this code where I mentioned  * '*Change 
done here', basically it was not taking a Slash to get inside a directory. 
 Now it's is working fine. 

Sub XLS_to_CSV()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim SourcePath As String
Dim strFile As String, strDir As String
Dim newpath As String
Dim k
Dim q
Dim j
Set j = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
         SourcePath = j.SelectedItems(1)
         'Change done here'
            SourcePath = SourcePath & "\"
            strFile = Dir(SourcePath & "*.xlsx")

Do While strFile <> ""
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=SourcePath & strFile, Local:=True)
    newpath = "C:\Users\pc\Desktop\a\"
     k = Replace(wb.FullName, ".xlsx", ".csv")
     q = Replace(k, SourcePath, newpath)
     wb.SaveAs q
     wb.Close True
    Set wb = Nothing
    strFile = Dir
MsgBox "The files are successfully converted into .csv format & placed in 
target folder"
End Sub

Mandeep Baluja 
Excel Specialist.

On Wednesday, November 26, 2014 4:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Muneera Shabana wrote:
> Good Morning,
> Hope you are having a great day!
> *Objective: I want to convert all the excel files (.xls,.xlsx etc) in a 
> folder to .csv files (with original file names) & place the csv file in 
> another target folder.*
> I am not an excel expert, however I managed to write the below piece of 
> code. It converts a single xl file to csv but places it in my desktop.
> Please help!
> Public Sub xls2csv()
>     Dim varArrFile  As Variant
>     Dim intCtr      As Integer
>     Dim strFiles    As String
>     Dim wb         As Workbook
>     varArrFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("*.xls,*.xlsx", , "Select 
> file(s) to convert", , True)
>     If IsArray(varArrFile) = False Then
>         MsgBox "No file is selected, select a file to continue"
>         Exit Sub
>     Else
>         For intCtr = LBound(varArrFile) To UBound(varArrFile)
>             Set wb = Workbooks.Open(varArrFile(intCtr))
>             wb.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & intCtr & ".CSV", 51
>             wb.Close
>             Set wb = Nothing
>         Next
>         MsgBox "The files are successfully converted into .csv format & 
> placed in target folder"
>     End If
> End Sub

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