You are doing a great job for the learners like us.
We all believe in the process of KT i.e. knowledge Transfer. But, I think
you are the best definition of this term and process.
Thanks a ton, Paul for all your codes and salute to your efforts and
intention to help us always....!!!

On Oct 8, 2015 11:09 PM, "Paul Schreiner" <> wrote:

> Thanks for your kind words!
> To be honest, it's mostly just experience, and "need".
> I started with writing programs (C+) and UNIX scripts in the mid 1980's.
> I currently maintain over 170,000 lines of VBA code for applications that
> manage over 1,000,000 manufacturing documents and create reports from the
> data contained in them.
> so, when this question came up, I knew I had some code from several years
> ago.
> (it was last updated in February of 2013)
> So, I just grabbed it and modified it a bit to fit the question.
> It's a collection of macros I use to maintain archives. When new versions
> of documents are created, the old ones get moved to an "archive" folder.
> Periodically I run this macro that takes the archive folder and breaks up
> the files into set not exceeding 700mb so that I can move them to CD's for
> long-term storage. (I keep a copy on an external backup for easy access)
> Currently, my archive folder has 12,000 files in 1,100 folders requiring
> 2.2 Gb. Running the macro, in less than 2 minutes the files will be neatly
> separated into separate 700Mb folders.
> As far as logic goes: I think it helps that I learned programming in an
> era that had limited storage. My first programming class used punch cards.
> We only were allowed to use the "terminals" once our programs compiled
> successfully!
> I learned early on that the most TIME CONSUMING part of any program is
> READING, WRITING and updating the display.
> So, I try whenever possible to NOT manipulate data within the cells.
> but instead read the entire dataset into memory, do all my manipulations
> and calculations, then write it out and refresh the display at the end.
> The other thing that adds to the "experience" is groups like this.
> If my only experience was through my job, how many opportunities would I
> have to run across date arithmetic problems? cost calculations?
> Instead, while I'm waiting for some of my longer programs to run (or
> during lunch) I'll look through the user groups for things that look
> "challenging".
> Or something I can throw together quickly.
> sometimes, I just answer posts because I think I can do it better/faster!
> (lol)
> With these user groups. "Communication is Key".
> When I was in college, I could remember nearly all the formulas in
> Calculus, but what I couldn't do was figure out when to use them!
> With the posts in user groups, there's just no convenient way we can know
> all the background behind the NEED for the questions being asked.
> So we have to make assumptions.
> If the person asking the question doesn't recognize when we made an
> assumption, he may not recognize when the assumption isn't correct.
> So I try to explain WHY I selected a specific approach.
> Speaking of which... back to work!
> *Paul*
> -----------------------------------------
> *“Do all the good you can,By all the means you can,In all the ways you
> can,In all the places you can,At all the times you can,To all the people
> you can,As long as ever you can.” - John Wesley*
> -----------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Mangesh Vimay <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 8, 2015 12:31 PM
> *Subject:* Re: $$Excel-Macros$$ Select all excel files in computer
> Paul,
> I have been reading your codes since 2011. How do you manage to write
> these codes in so simple manner?  Is there any logic?  Please guide.
> Mangesh
> On Oct 8, 2015 6:45 PM, "Paul Schreiner" <> wrote:
> The answer is "yes", you CAN.
> How it's DONE is a bit more difficult.
> First of all, by "all drives" you must mean all physical drives (hard
> drives)
> since mapped network drives aren't "on" the computer they can be mapped on
> the new system and nothing is lost.
> So, you only have to deal with "fixed" drives.
> Prior to Excel2007, VBA had a filesystem "search" utility.
> It was dropped in Excel2007 and I don't believe it has been restored.
> consequently, you have to use "brute force" to accomplish it.
> Basically, you use the filesystem object and recursively search through
> folders.
> Yes, it's time consuming.
> My c:\ drive has 450,000 files on it, and I found that it has 2,277 Excel
> files.
> This will list the Excel files.
> Next, you have to decide what you wish to DO with them!
> (I'd write a function and call it from the section that writes the
> filenames to the worksheet)
> Option Explicit
> 'err.number & ": " & err.description
> Public fso, ListRow, RepSheet
> Sub List_Drives()
>     Dim d, dc, stat, File_Cnt
>     Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
>     Set dc = fso.drives
>     RepSheet = "All_Files"
>     stat = Clear_Report
>     For Each d In dc
>         If (d.drivetype = 2) Then File_Cnt = Get_Folders(d.Path)
>     Next d
>     Application.StatusBar = False
>     MsgBox File_Cnt & " files found"
> End Sub
> '==================================================================================
> Function Get_Folders(FolderName)
>     Dim File, Files, f, fil
>     Dim Folders, Folder, Ext
>     Dim File_Cnt, ArrFolder
>         ArrFolder = Split(FolderName, "\")
>         If (UBound(ArrFolder) = 3) Then
>             Application.StatusBar = "Accessing folder: " & FolderName
>             Debug.Assert True
>         End If
>         If (Right(FolderName, 1) <> "\") Then FolderName = FolderName & "\"
>         On Error Resume Next
>         Set Folder = fso.getfolder(FolderName)
>         Set Files = Folder.Files
>         For Each File In Files
>             Set f = fso.getfile(File.Path)
>             Ext = fso.getextensionname(File.Name)
>             If (Left(UCase(Ext), 3) = "XLS") Then
>                 File_Cnt = File_Cnt + 1
>                 ListRow = ListRow + 1
>                 If (ListRow Mod 10 = 0) Then Debug.Assert True
>                 Sheets(RepSheet).Cells(ListRow, "A").Value = f.Name
>                 Sheets(RepSheet).Cells(ListRow, "B").Value = f.Path
>                 Sheets(RepSheet).Cells(ListRow, "C").Value = f.Size
>                 Sheets(RepSheet).Cells(ListRow, "D").Value = f.datecreated
>                 Sheets(RepSheet).Cells(ListRow, "E").Value =
> f.datelastmodified
>             End If
>         Next File
>         '--------------------------------------------------------
>         Set Folders = Folder.subfolders
>         For Each Folder In Folders
>             File_Cnt = File_Cnt + Get_Folders(Folder.Path)
>         Next Folder
>         '--------------------------------------------------------
>         On Error GoTo 0
>     Get_Folders = File_Cnt
> End Function
> Function Clear_Report()
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("A2:Z1000000").ClearContents
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("A1").Value = "FileName"
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("B1").Value = "Path"
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("C1").Value = "Size"
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("D1").Value = "Date Created"
>     Sheets(RepSheet).Range("E1").Value = "Date Modified"
>     ListRow = 1
> End Function
> *Paul*
> -----------------------------------------
> *“Do all the good you can,By all the means you can,In all the ways you
> can,In all the places you can,At all the times you can,To all the people
> you can,As long as ever you can.” - John Wesley*
> -----------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Pankaj Michael <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 7, 2015 10:58 PM
> *Subject:* $$Excel-Macros$$ Select all excel files in computer
> Hi to ALL,
> Can we search ALL excel extension files through vba in a computer(All
> Drives) through VBA? Transfer to any other location. Priority is excel
> I want to shift all excel files from one computer to another because
> company is replacing systems and only ms office files needs to transfer as
> per policy.
> Please help
> --
> Thanks
> Pankaj Kumar
> 9910075248
> --
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