Hi ,
This is Jimson Jose, am a Staffing Specialist at ENTMATRIX. Please find my active Bench List who are immediately available for positions and are ready to relocate nation wide. Request to add my email id jim...@entmatrix.com / 410-873-7006 in your distribution list. Name Skill / Techonology Current Location Visa Exp Aneesh POS / QA Tester Denver H1B 6 Sri JAVA FULL STACK DEVELOPER Franklin Lakes, NJ H1B 6 Vama ETL, Database & Web Testing H1B 12 Aishwarya Node.js Developer NJ L2EAD 4 Akshay Salesforce Admin / Sr. QA Engineer San Jose, California H1B 5 Sindhu QA Automation Engineer (Selenium) Charlotte, NC H4 EAD 7 Kiran RPA Orlando, Fl H1B Prathima SDET / Automation Franklin Lakes, NJ H1B 12 Sushmita Lead Data/Business Analyst-Data Governance Dallas TX H4EAD 8 Abhishek JAVA FULL STACK DEVELOPER Mason, OH CPT 4 SREEDHAR Senior DevOps Engineer OakBrook IL H1B 13 Vichika Reddy Workday Integration Developer Columbus, OH H4EAD 6 Dhandapani PL/SQL Developer Danbury, CT H1B 9 Krishna Cassandra Developer/Admin Westchester, PA H1B 7 Shaik MSSQL Database Administrator Denvor, CO H1B 10 usha Salesforce Administrator Virginia H4EAD 6 SHRUTHI UI Developer Charlotte, NC CPT 4 Raja Business Analyst Bedford, NH CPT 7 Srinivasan ETL Technical Lead LA.California H1B 12 BABA SharePoint/.NETConsultant Denvor, CO H1B 11 Bhatia Business Analyst Bloomfield, CT H1B Niranjeen MSBI Silver Spring, MD GC 6 Subha Data Scientist Bridgewater, NJ OPT 7 Mustafa Quality Engineer MD US Citizen 6 Jimson Jose | Sr. Recruiter - Bench Sales, ENTMatrix, 4108810455-107, jim...@entmatrix.com Hangout & Email Id: *jimson@e <anushi...@waynsys.com>ntmatrix.com <http://ntmatrix.com>* -- Are you =EXP(E:RT) or =NOT(EXP(E:RT)) in Excel? And do you wanna be? It’s =TIME(2,DO:IT,N:OW) ! Join official Facebook page of this forum @ https://www.facebook.com/discussexcel FORUM RULES 1) Use concise, accurate thread titles. Poor thread titles, like Please Help, Urgent, Need Help, Formula Problem, Code Problem, and Need Advice will not get quick attention or may not be answered. 2) Don't post a question in the thread of another member. 3) Don't post questions regarding breaking or bypassing any security measure. 4) Acknowledge the responses you receive, good or bad. 5) Jobs posting is not allowed. 6) Sharing copyrighted material and their links is not allowed. NOTE : Don't ever post confidential data in a workbook. Forum owners and members are not responsible for any loss. --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MS EXCEL AND VBA MACROS" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to excel-macros+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/excel-macros/66653d79-df8c-4d85-ac35-9fabed435a75o%40googlegroups.com.