If I understood you correctly:

The way each office connects to the internet should not matter for the VPN.
And, the router at each office (the main router, one that sits between the
office and internet) should handle VPN. Just make sure each router supports
each other for VPN.

And, you would only need 1 Exchange server to be on a public IP (only the
pop3 and smtp ports open). The non-public exchange servers would communicate
with the 'main' exchange server over the VPN. (of course, each router would
need a public IP)

At the company I work at now, at one point we had VPN going between Frame
Relay (main office), DSL (other office) and Cable and DSL residential
Each VPN location is treated as a different subnet. Once you have VPN
working, you can setup your network to use the subnets... Multiple Exchange
Sites etc just pretend it's a normal, subnetted network. Exchange does not
need to know about the VPN at all.

I hope this made sense, and I hope I read your question correctly.

Also, there are probably some better ways of doing this, and I'm sure this
group will let you and me know about it real quick ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: John Shi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:40 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Frame Relay or T1 line+VPN.

Hi, Everyone
The Technology is changing very fast. I was more comfortable with Frame
Relay then T1 Internet VPN technology.
We have one central site and 4 remotes sites. Originally, I was thinking
to keep the frame Relay, but my boss thought the each site has its own T1
line and VPN to our central stie is good as well. The issue is pricing is
about the same on T1 to the Internet and frame Relay.

On the remote site, we are going to have W2K DC and Exchange 2000 server
10 months from now. The frame Relay contract is going to expire within 9
months. I want to find out if I should re-evaluate the T1 Internet and VPN
options or I should keep Frame Relay. How would the W2K DC replication
work on the VPN at the different locations? I did not need to think about
this when we are in the Frame relay.
If I go with VPN through T1 Internet. How would my Exchange server on each
site commmunicate with each other throuh VPN? Does anyone see any need
that I should keep my Frame Relay based on our situation? If we use
Internet VPN on each site, does that mean we need to have public IP
address on the exchange server on each site.

John Shi

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