Nope, there isn't a box that just receives all mail with misspelled smtp
addresses.  There was a conversation a month or so ago (on the E2k list
perhaps?  don't remember & couldn't find it real quickly), about whether
this violates the letter, or just the spirit, of pertinent RFCs. The
best way I found to accomplish this was to go get another messaging
product that does it[1] and forward all your unresolved mail to that
server.  You accomplish this by going into the properties page of the
virtual smtp server, then the "messages" tab, then "forward all
unresolved to this server:" field.

On the same page, you'll find where your badmail directory is.  You can
have a flunkee sift through that, if you like.  That way, the sender
still gets an NDR telling them that there is no [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and they can re-send their multimillion dollar sales order, instead of
assuming it went into a black hole, or that Bob Smith just plain doesn't
want the business.  This is why it's generally considered A Bad Idea to
counteract NDRs.

[1] pmail does, and it's free at, ymmv.  so does sendmail.

> -----Original Message-----
> Posted At: Monday, August 20, 2001 01:22 PM
> Posted To: MSExchange Mailing List
> Conversation: Wildcard Addressing
> Subject: RE: Wildcard Addressing
> In 5.5 it was "Notifications".  Perhaps it's named similarly for 2000?
> -Michèle
> Immigration site:  <>
> Our new 2001 Miata:  <>
> Tiggercam:  <>
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> "Mine had two nicknames: "the bunny" and "fsckin' piece of 
> crap German crap
> nice car nice car please start you useless pile of German scrap metal
> superior German engineering my ASS!"." - Amanda Lowery, 
> talking about a car
> she used to own 
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Walt Brannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 9:30 PM
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: Wildcard Addressing
> In Exchange 2000 how do you set a mailbox to receive ALL the mail for
>  that is not otherwise addressed as 
> In other mail systems there is a "nobody" address that does this.
> Thanks
> Walt
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