This list has a very high concentration of cool people.  I love the flavor
too.  Adds fun to the day.  One thing people don't understand is almost all
posts that aren't in the FAQ and have adequate information are answered in
great detail by a very large group of willing experts.  There's no hostility
towards newbies.  


PS:  Ed Woodrick is missed!
PS2: I think the flames in this list are very moderate.  If you want to see
serious flaming, post a vulgar cat joke to a cat-lovers list.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 5:01 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: User Friendly Exchange List

<Sally Field>
"You like me, you really like me."
</Sally Field>

Your case is well taken, I just thought that Larry had a point. A point
often brought up right behind Favorite Virus Checker, Disclaimer, How do I
tell if I have Standard or Enterprise....

The reputation of this list is well known. I am on several lists, many of
which have nothing to do with Exchange, and the *flavor* of this list is
well known. That being said, I find it hard to believe that someone would
not know what they were in for when they join.

I never had the pleasure of being on the list when Peter ran it. I have
heard it spoken of quite fondly though. As for back when we had 2 Ed's, I
miss Mr. Woodrick as well. I had the pleasure of *sitting at his feet* at a
conference once. He even turned me on the getting a GPS to find my way
around cities when I am away at all of those conferences :)

A junior Admin or newbie list will not find much use though I fear. It is
known that this is the place to go for all things Exchange. If they knew
enough to go to the other list, then they would also know enough to research
their questions first.

I know that I get better than consultant answers here and am amazed at what
information is distributed freely here all for the *love* of Exchange.

I need to go now, I am getting all verklempt!!!

Ken Powell
Systems Administrator
Clark County Office of Budget and Information Services (OBIS)
Vancouver, Washington
Voice: (360) 397-6121 x4658
Fax:    (360) 759-6001

-----Original Message-----
From: missy koslosky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:50 AM
To: Exchange 5.5 List
Subject: Re: User Friendly Exchange List

I know who you are, Ken.  :)

In any case, my curiosity was really spurred by the intervention of someone
who has not, in the past 18 months or so, posted to this list.  I can check
the archives back to the beginning, but that's really not my point at all.

I do think that this list is often out of hand - and it's been up and down
like this since I've been a member of it.  Sometimes, the flames are wild,
other times, we're all quite nice.  The only thing that doesn't change is
Ed.  :)  (It was even more fun when we had two Ed's!)

In any case, a list for nice questions about Exchange is fine.  Maybe even a
newbie, or Jr. Admin list.  The fact is, and you know this, that the stuff
that's covered in the FAQ is covered in the FAQ.  If someone wants to pay me
to do consulting, I'll be happy to bring their business to the company where
I work.

When I first joined this list, it had a reputation.  It is what it is.  I
miss Peter's quiet interventions, but, other than that, I think we're just

I'm rambling though.  Later...
----- Original Message -----
To: "Exchange Discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 2:21 PM
Subject: RE: User Friendly Exchange List


You will probably find few by me as well other than NAI/McAfee related. I
don't know about much else:) I have *learnt* quite alot from this list, you
and Ed especially. Larry does bring up a good point though. This list does
have a reputation that does not seem to occur on other lists that these same
people are on (E2K list for one).

As for the value of a list that Larry hosts, all I can speak to is the one
that he set up for Scripting. He is every bit as knowledgeable about
Scripting and SMS (as has already been pointed out) as anyone on this list
is about Exchange. He gives of his time and skills and requires no more than
you or Ed would in return.

Only time will tell if there is a need for what Larry is proposing.

As for why you do not see many post by me on this list, I have always tried
to follow the advise found in JOB 13:5 "If only you would be altogether
silent, for you that would be wisdom." NIV

Ken Powell
Systems Administrator
Clark County Office of Budget and Information Services (OBIS)
Vancouver, Washington
Voice: (360) 397-6121 x4658
Fax:   (360) 759-6001

-----Original Message-----
From: missy koslosky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:37 AM
To: Exchange 5.5 List
Subject: Re: User Friendly Exchange List

Gee, Larry, I can't find any posts by a Larry Duncan (or a "Duncan, Larry"
or a "Duncan, Lawrence" or a "Lawrence Duncan") in the archives that I
currently have available.  But they only go back to February 2000, so I
guess you've been lurking for a couple years.

Your answers below remind me of a certain smarmy congressman who was on TV a
week or so ago.  What's the whole answer here?  I don't believe we're
getting it.

You're free to start your own list.  I do hope it's a success.  I don't
think I'll be playing though.  If I tire of this list, I can go visit the
E2K one that Martin hosts, or the Sunbelt Software list, or the newsgroups,
all of which offer additional Exchange information.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry A. Duncan MCP, MCT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Exchange Discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: User Friendly Exchange List

See inline comments.
Besides, Larry;  Aren't you an SMS guru? Thanks for the compliment. Yes,
SMS is my core competency. But any mail list is more than one person.
> <honest question>
> Have you even posted to this list?
Yes, in the past I have. However, I'm on of the many that is turned off by
the tone of the group. As such, I've changed my settings to webbased only
and I now only refer to it on an as-needed basis.

You're not trying to steal subscribers to a competing service, are you?
<HONEST RESPONSE>Steal? Steal? Are these users owned by you? The Internet
offers a vast
number of resource for people to use. I'm now providing a more user
friendly environment for passing information regarding Exchange. If the
users come, that that's their choice and perhaps a signal to this group
that you can be excellent without attitude.</HONEST RESPONSE>

> </honest question>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 11:28 AM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: User Friendly Exchange List
> >=20
> >=20
> > I still maintain that if you don't like the services of this=20
> > list, just
> > request a refund of your subscription fee.
> >=20
> > -Mich=E8le
> > Immigration site:  <>
> > Our new 2001 Miata:  <>
> > Tiggercam:  <>
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > Murphy's Technology Laws Murphy's Technology Law #1:  You can=20
> > never tell
> > which way the train went by looking at the track.=20
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> >=20
> >=20
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Larry A. Duncan MCP, MCT [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:47 AM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: OT: User Friendly Exchange List
> >=20
> >=20
> > I normally would never do such a thing, but after watching the tone =
> of
> > this group for some time now and seeing compliants on other=20
> > lists about
> > the abusive nature of it's elders, I've taken it upon myself=20
> > to create an
> > alternative Exchange mail list that will be user friendly, polite and
> > sensitive to new Admin needs.
> >=20
> > This is not an attack on you or your methods, just a realization that
> > different people learn different ways and it's time to have an
> > alternative.
> >=20
> > I wish the Swynk Exchange mail list well, and I hope you'll=20
> > do the same
> > for us.
> >=20
> > For those interested in joining this new list, you can feel=20
> > free to do so
> > at:
> >=20
> >=20
> >=20

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