Okay, maybe it's just a Monday morning and I haven't woken up yet, but I'm
not seeing exactly what the problem is with the attachment.  Opens up just
fine for me, and, although I really don't like Courier and deplore the lack
of proper capitalization, that's a PEBKAM error... 


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul
To: Exchange Discussions
Sent: 10/1/01 2:38 AM
Subject: 38-) - Help in message encoding...

One of my company's client's attachment keep showing up like this.
This never happen before we use exchange (We use one PC + Outlook +
Internet Mail add-in).

Help ?
Direction in settings, white papers, tools even theory based on
experiences are welcome...


--------------------------end quote-------------------------

Thanks in advance,

IT Staff
PT. Bumi Cahaya Unggul
Jakarta Timur

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