I already posted this to the Outlook news groups, but got no bites. Was
hoping someone here might have an idea.

I am having a problem w/ the ANR for Outlook. I used to have a custom
recipient to Notes for an email address called v1234. The CR was
v1234@NotesDomain. That all worked pretty good. However since we are going
from Notes to E2K (Yea!), we decided to delete the Notes CR and notes
mailfile and create an xchg mailbox. That also works fairly well. If one
uses the address book to find v1234, the mail get sent there w/o any
problems. However, if I and some random sampling of users type in v1234 in
the to: field, the email will attempt to send itself off to the old custom
recipient. I get a NDR saying the name is not recognized. I also get the
same sort of indication on the message tracking feature of exchange. My
guess is that it has to be a cached address entry. How do I clean that out.
I really don't like having to tell people constantly what the problem is. It
seems that this is a bug and not a feature. Any opinions? 

Thank You!

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