No, the ISP swears it is wide open.

>Any kind of filtering on the router?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Steve Van Eck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:01 PM
>To: Exchange Discussions
>Subject: smtp problems
>I have an interesting problem that I hope you can shed some light on. I am
>running W2K, SP2 and Exchange 5.5. This box has a IP that sits directly on
>our T1, the router is the only thing between it and the ISP. We recently
>have been unable to receive email from SOME of our clients. I am unable to
>telnet to port 25 on the exchange box from the outside world, I can telnet
>to it on our segment. I have a sniffer on the segment and am getting quite 
>few port unreachable errors.
>Header of packet that caused error follows.
>IP Header - Internet Protocol Datagram
>   Version:              4
>   Header Length:        5  (20  bytes)
>   Type of Service:      %00000000
>   Precedence: Routine,   Normal Delay,   Normal Throughput,   Normal
>   Total Length:         98
>   Identifier:           54627
>   Fragmentation Flags:  %000  May Fragment   Last Fragment
>   Fragment Offset:      0  (0  bytes)
>   Time To Live:         128
>   Protocol:             17  UDP
>   Header Checksum:      0x0000
>   Source IP Address:
>   Dest. IP Address:
>   No IP Options
>UDP - User Datagram Protocol
>   Source Port:          137  NETBIOS Name Service
>   Destination Port:     137
>   Length:               58
>   Checksum:             0x0000
>NetBIOS Name Service - Network Basic Input/Output System
>   Identification:       0x0000
>   Parameter:            0x0000
>             Request
>             Standard Query
>A FreeBSD box on the same network is able to accept the mail, it is listed
>as the secondary MX record. Your help is much appreciated. Steve Van Eck
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