well that is not what is happening here...currently the queues of messages
is building up...and the settings are the same...but the ip is not
available....remember that we are instruicting Exchange directly to send
@x2.abc.com to specific IP...why do we need DNS in that scenario?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 10:13 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: alternate recipient + delivery to email domain

I think you answered your own question:

"we do not use DNS nor Hosts entry for @x2.abc.com as we just indicate
the IP of that host in the "forward all messages to this domain"..that Hosts
receives messages just from us so they do not have any presence on the
internet...other than its IP address"

If the host is not registered in dns then the mail will bounceback
immediately.  If there is a record in dns for the host yet the host is down,
exchange will retry transmit of message (host is down or unreachable).  If
the domain is registered yet authorative nameservers are not available,
exchange will retry until nameservers become available or until the retry
period is over (network error during host resolution).

-----Original Message-----
From: Romero, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 10:09 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: alternate recipient + delivery to email domain

Hi all


we have some mailboxes that use "delivery to" "alternate recipient"
the alternate recipient is @x2.abc.com also we have insructed the IMC
connections\specify by email the x2.abc.com and "forward all messages 
to this domain" to the IP of that host.

all works fine when that Host is on.

problem is that when they turn the server off, we start getting
error 3010/3011/4031 and messages bounce back to the sender.

I have checked the "Service messages queues" in the IMC
Retry interval (hrs)=.25,.5,1,4
Timeout (hrs)=Urgent=24,normal=48,non-urgent=72
as for what I checked messages stay iun the outbound queue just one hour.
the parametrs show above should guarantee me to stay at least 24Hrs

If the hosts is off let say 8 hours the sender get (immediately) the
following NDR

Your message

  Subject: er
  Sent:    Sun, 28 Oct 2001 07:52:58 -0800

did not reach the following recipient(s):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sun, 28 Oct 2001 07:53:36 -0800
    The recipient name is not recognized
        The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a=
    MSEXCH:IMS:Company:site:N 3550 (000B09AA) 550 5.7.1 Unable to

what could be happening? is like Exchange after retrying thinks that the
domain @x2.abc.com
does not exist and send the NDR to the sender..please consider that the
deliver of messages is ok 
when that Hosts is ON.

Note: we do not use DNS nor Hosts entry for @x2.abc.com as we just indicate
the IP of that host in the "forward all messages to this domain"..tha Hosts
receives messages just from us so they do not have any prescense on the
internet...other than its IP address


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