I'll second that!

Shawn, you are a moron!  Bonafide moron you are!  I don't seem to have the
problems that you do with viruses on my network.  I wonder why that is.  

Oh, and don't be ranting about one NOS being better than the other.  I
currently use all three of them...  I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to rant
about any and or all of them.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Strome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:41 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe -


You're an idiot.

Mail platforms aren't dangerous. Admins who don't know how to protect their
systems are dangerous.



-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Connelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 4:19 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe

> Subject: RE: Outlook blocked access to the following potentially 
>From: "Martin Blackstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 11:45:06 -0800
>Even allowing your mail system to pass .EXE and .COM files is a mistake.
>You should thank MS for making OL block those types of files since you


So are implying that every other mail platform is dangerous because they
allow .com and .exe files?

Gee, I thought the real issue (read: problem) was the way Microsoft
processed their 'special' files (e.g. asp, vb*). 

Thank Microsoft, you must be joking?   

Let's see, in a typical work:
I spend about 3-6 hours research and testing (YES I really do test both in
my test lab and on my workstation VMs)  Microsoft's latest bug patches.  
For Linux, probably about 1-3 hours per week.  
For Netware 5, probably not much more than 1 hour per week.  

The point being, Microsoft can make it easier but all I see is supporting MS
products is becoming more and more costly.  
[Unnecessary inflammatory comment warning] Anyone who claims the TCO is
lower for MS NOS products as compared to Novell NOS (or any other NOS for
that matter) understands little about non-MS NOS platforms!

Okay, I'm done my rant!
>-----Original Message----- [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>On Behalf Of Andy David
>Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:41 AM
>Subject: RE: Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe
>>>>>For such a typically minor patch?
>       Where did you get that idea?

8mb worth of changes.... Patches have been larger..... yeah, yeah, I
know.... Size is not representative at all.  Why are you nitpicking
something so unimportant, forgedabowdid!

>The Patch didnt break Outlook, your lack of preparation did. Over and 

For god's sakes, how many times must I repeat myself? 

I understood the consequences!

My intent was to simply protest the method Microsoft used to 'correct' the
problems with Outlook.  I was really hoping to hear that fellow
administrators also agreed with my observations.  

Damn, I did not expect a lynch mob! 

I'm beginning to think this is a discussion group for a Microsoft cult. (ha!
- now take it easy, that means joke okay?)

I'll tell y'all what, from now on I'll wear my dunce cap and promise never
to speak ill of Microsoft ever again.

BTW, I wish some of you folks would edit your responses (delete the
unnecessary text) before pressing the send button.  

Have a nice day everyone!

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