I'm a prat in the office, so I'm sure my employer just assumes I'm a prat on
the Internet! ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Slinger, Gary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 3:36 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: OT - flirtatiousness on THIS list??


There's precisely one ass in this conversation, and it isn't Kim.  Really -
go read the archives.  The point she makes ragarding your recent addition
and clear lack of comprehension are well made.  I'm thinking about the last
five years, not the last five weeks.  If indeed anyone has written to you
commenting that Kim is an ass, well, I can only suggest that they are also
"newbie muppet fools" (for want of a better phrase) who would do well to go
take some courses, read some manuals, and learn to read the list awhiles
before they open their damn fool mouths.

Oh, one more thing: your comment: "You might care to notice that I help a
lot of people" - yeah.  OK...  Those that shout the loudest, and all that.
Go check the archives again, and then come back and tell me how many,
exactly, of the MS Exchange/Outlook MVP's have made that kind of comment in
the last, oh... ever?

Does your employer know how much time you spend at work being a prat over
the internet?  Just curious.



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