Whenever one of my users opens/executes the Outlook program, (which is
several times a day -- this user choses to exit the Outlook Program and
doesn't minimize it) the following entry on the Exchange Server Event
Viewer's Application Log is written to:

     Event Type:        Failure Audit
     Event Source:      MSExchangeIS Private
     Event Category:    Logons 
     Event ID:  1023
     Date:              11/21/2001
     Time:              10:38:21 AM
     User:              N/A
     Computer:  ExchangeMailServer
     CMP\JDOE was validated 
     as /o=OrgName/ou=SiteName/cn=Recipients/cn=JDoe but was 
     unable to log on to /o=OrgName/ou=SiteName/cn=Recipients/cn=SSmith. 

SSmith's mailbox was deleted from the exchange server on 10/11/01.  This
is when the above entries first started to appear.

I then went ahead and ensured that on JDoe's mailbox "SSmith" was not
listed as a Delegate.

I ensured that in each of JDoe's mailbox folders, that "SSmith" was not
listed with permission rights.

I went as far as deleting three messages from "SSmith" which were sitting
in JDoe's Sent Items folder.

I also ran the "Consistency Adjuster" and still the above Failure Audit
messages are being written to the Application Log.

Can anyone suggest any other recommendations?  Please, what am I


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