With regret (and many heaving of sighs, I can hear you all) I have to 
inform you all that ORB UK is closing with immediate effect.

This is because the bills for the bandwidth used during the recent attacks 
on ORB UK exceed $6000, just for the last 2 weeks.

I can't afford to carry on this sort of damage, especially as this is only 
really a hobby.

Anyone who can find a way of avoiding this, please feel free to contact 
me, but as it stands, as of 12.00 on 11 December 2001, ORB UK servers will 
be permanently switched off. 

Anyone who feels guilty, or even just generous or charitable, could make a 
paypal payment to [EMAIL PROTECTED], all funds will go towards the 
costs of operating ORB UK for the last 6 months, and maybe go some way 
towards putting something more permanent up in future.

Regards to all, Especially those with whom I have crossed swords.

And, if someone could copy this across to news.admin.net-abuse.email, I'd 
be grateful :-)

Dr Paul Cummins - Internet Engineer      |  /"\    ASCII RIBBON
Tel: +44 1256 322629                     +  \ /      CAMPAIGN
                                         |  / \    AND POSTINGS

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