If CDO live (http://www.cdolive.com) does not have a code sample to do this,
I believe Herr Weber could be contracted to write such a solution in short

-----Original Message-----
From: Busby, Jacob
To: Exchange Discussions
Sent: 1/18/2002 4:15 AM
Subject: 0ut 0f 0ffice

Exchange 5.5, Outlook 2000.

I suspect this discussion is going to head deep into "There are seldom
technological solutions..." country. Please bear with me.

A number of our users are moaning about OoO only sending out one
per OoO setting. It seems that they send a message to a user near the
of their three week holiday, get the OoO response, then promptly forget
about this (and the fact that they can view the users calendar at any
and send the user mail some time the next week and wonder why the work
sent never gets done.

As the client doesn't have to be running for OoO to be working (it would
pretty useless, if it did) I'm guessing that OoO must be handled on the
server somehow. My guess is that Exchange is going to set some kind of
"sent-OoO-flag" Does anybody know if/where this flag is set? 

Presuming this is the case, is it possible to write a batch job that ran
an overnight process resetting these flags to zero, so that you got one
response, per user, per day - which seems like a reasonable compromise.
would remind users that their correspondents were on holiday, even three
weeks after the last e-mail was sent, but would prevent mailing loops.

(PS I know you can use rules to automatically reply, but the idea of a
automatically replying to every message, fills me with a dread fear of

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