From: "Michael Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Exchange Discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: Administration Advice

> Hello,
> Myself being relatively new to Exchange 2000 Server Administration,
> am looking for some very brief advice as to what the top 10 things are
> to stay on top of, in order to ensure a smooth running system.
> You can read all the books you want, but there is no better information
> than hearing first hand from real-world Exchange Administrators.
> Would some of you be so kind as to reply with a few tips as to what I
> need to keep my eyes on?  For example, log files growing out of control,
> security issues that I not be aware of, etc.
> ALSO, there is one thing I am trying to figure out - and that is under
> a Mailbox Store I created, there is a Mailbox called "SystemMailbox"
> with 826 'Total Items' in there.  How can I view the contents of that
> Mailbox?  Is this possibly bounced mail messages, or something else?
> Thank you all VERY much for your replies,
> Mike

True about books vs. first-hand info. Still gotta have books though; I'd
recommend anything anything by Paul Robichaux or Tony Redmond. Between them
you can pretty much give away anything else. They cover issues such as you
are asking above (what to watch and why) as well as many other subjects
quite useful and relevant that are reflective of real-world experiences.
Both gentlemen frequent the various newsgroups/mailing lists and are current
on what admins want and are experiencing.

For Outlook the diva is Sue Mosher. Her website,, was
planned as and has become _the_ first stop for all things client (including
OWA). Any book by her on the client-side operations is going to be your best
first resource.

Answering your question itself almost requires a book (well, it does require
a book ;). In short: watch the database growth, the log file growth and
monitor the logs for alerts and warnings from the Exchange components. And
as painful as it may sound, listen to your users. In the final analysis the
whole system is there for their benefit; they'll be the first source of
information for performance issues. ;)

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