We’ve been having some difficulties with address lists in Exchange 2000.
It seems that the so –called enhanced feature is actually less than what
we had in Exchange 5.5. No migration path exists and no automatic method
of adding ALs according to fields exists (like it did before). Also, we
could not find a way to sort the GAL the way we want it. For examples,
if we have 100+ branches under “branches”, they will appear at the top
of the list. Since Outlook can’t de-expand lists they will “hog” the
screen. One solution will be to move the AL forward but the only method
I found that does this is renaming the AL “zbranches” so that
alphabetically it will be at the end.
I also wrote the following script to add ALs based on examples I found
on MSDN (I think):
Set fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set userFile = fs.OpenTextFile ("c:\test\branches.txt")
Do Until userFile.AtEndOfStream = True
           CreateAL (userFile.ReadLine)
Sub CreateAL (strAL)
Dim RootOUName
Dim sSystemFlags
Dim strBranch, strDisplayName, strCN
Dim purportedSearch
sSystemFlags = "1610612736"
strBranch = Left (strAL,4) + " ()"
purportedSearch = "(&(&(&(& (mailnickname=*) (|
)))(objectCategory=user)(extensionAttribute4=" & strBranch & ")))"
' Get Address list container
Set AddressListCont =  _
      GetObject("LDAP://GC1/CN=Branches,CN=MyOrg,CN=All Address
Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=Bank Leumi,CN=Microsoft
' Create the New Address List
WScript.Echo "Creating " & strAL & " " & strBranch
Set NewAddressList = AddressListCont.Create("addressBookContainer",
"CN=" & strAL)
NewAddressList.DisplayName = StrAL
'this will have to be customized based on the query filter
NewAddressList.purportedSearch = purportedSearch
'This can only be set at creation time
'This attribute is set by passing a value that is defined by the
ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM enumeration documented at -
'In this sample I am passing in the 1610612736 (0x60000000) which is
'0x60000000 = 0x40000000 or 0x20000000
NewAddressList.systemflags = sSystemFlags
'   Save New AL
WScript.Echo "Done"
End Sub
As you can see there are no real surprises in the script. It simply
reads input from a text file and creates AL containers with the LDAP
search that I copied off an existing search. This works great, but for
some reason, all ALs I create using this method are read-only, even to
the user who created them. I can delete or move them but cannot modify
them. At first I thought it was the system flags, but comparing the AL
created by the script to a manually created one showed no diffrences in
this field and the web page mentioned shows nothing helpful.
Do you have any recommendations?
Amit Zinman
Project Manager
Professional Services Group
Getronics (Israel)
Tel: +972-3-5127306
Mobile: +972-53-570139
-----Original Message-----
From: Yossi Saharon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 7:51 PM
Subject: Windows .NET Server RDP Technical Mailing List - Vol.20
This list is intended to bring you technical updates, tips, known issues
etc on Windows XP/Windows.Net server and related RDP issues.
If you think you shouldn't be on this list, or you want to add someone
else from your organization, let me know at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> .
On this mailing list: 
"Remote Control Add-On" released to web
The "Remote Control Add-On" for Active Directory MMCs was lately
released to microsoft.com web site (under the downloads site).
You can now reach it directly from
This tool extends the AD MMCs to include right-click on a computer and
remotely controlling it (If it's XP Pro or Terminal Server).
And be careful out there...
Yossi Saharon
Technology Solutions Specialist
Microsoft Israel
Tel: 972-9-9520692
Mobile: 972-52-722474

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