Well, knowing less than nothing about Yahoo!'s mail server config, if they
allow it, you ought to be able to configure your mail server to forward all
messages to a host and enter the IP address of the Yahoo! mail server
(although I don't see why you couldn't just deliver those messages using
DNS). As for retrieving mail, you'd need a POP3 connector (yuck) to retrieve
the mail from the POP3 mailboxes or for Yahoo! to provide ETRN (YFR).

You can set up your server as the Mx record, even with with a dynamic IP
address. EasyDNS provides DynamicDNS services which will allow you to
automagically update the IP address of your Mx record whenever it changes
with the use of a small utility running on the Exchange server. 

www.swinc.com has a nice SMTP FAQ which might be of help as well in their
resources section.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff & April Moore
To: Exchange Discussions
Sent: 1/26/2002 9:20 AM
Subject: Yahoo! and Exchange

I have a very small company whose DNS records are hosted by Yahoo! and
mail is served by Yahoo! as well.  I want to begin the process of
running my
own mail server.  I have an E2K server with a private IP address sitting
behind a router with a dynamic public IP address.  I want to setup my
Exchange server to send and retrieve messages through the Yahoo! mail
server.  I'm not yet ready to point the MX records to my server,
not while I have a Dynamic IP.  Anyone have an idea how to make this

Jeff Moore, MCSE
Houston, TX

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