> OK users should not be connected during move mailbox - no problem.
> But mail can't be delivered ? Let's see, this means
> a) every connector on every exchange server must be down, no user
> anywhere must be connected, or
> b) every connector on the source and destination server must be down,
> they must not be able to communicate with any other exchange server in
> the same org/site, but they still must be able to communicate with a
> domain controller. Oh, no user logged in those two servers obviously.
> Seems not exactly an easy task if you don't want to risk loosing mail
> during a move mailbox... is there any way to do this ? Every 
> network has
> moments when there are few users and external mail is trickling in
> slowly, but still not 100% sure. 

Theoretically I suppose you could create an extra mailbox in your Exchange
server called 
"Saved Mail" then redirect/alias your firewall so that all mail for any user
on your system 
went direct to this account. Then move the mailboxes across, reset the
firewall back to it's 
original state, then log on to the Saved Mail mailbox, ship out the mail
there to the correct 
users. Finally delete the Saved Mail account. Seems like an awful lot of
work for very little 
effect IMHO.

I'd be far more inclined to advertise the process as essential maintenance,
explain the 
consequences of not doing the task and the "mail blackout" effect, and then
perform the task
on a Sunday afternoon.

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