We have a problem with our Exchange server that's happened now twice in the
last month - we discover that the Exchange server has quit and the cluster
failed over to the other server. In checking the event log we find to ID's -
12800 and 4182 just before both failure's, and a search of KB brings up

The Internet Mail Service submits a message to the information store, which
in turn parses the addresses to get the corresponding display names. It
detects the corrupted address and generates MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED, but later
this error is overwritten as MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY. 

The information store logs an Event ID: 12800, and the error is returned to
the Internet Mail Service. The Internet Mail Service detects this as a
serious error and logs an Event ID: 4182, shutting itself down. 

To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Exchange Server
version 5.5. 

Unfortunately we are running SP4 (checked and confirmed on both servers) and
so can't figure out where to go from here. The article further states:

When a message containing one-off addresses goes through several connectors,
it is encapsulated to its native format. For example, when the SMTP address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] goes through an X.400 Connector, it is encapsulated

NOTE: The above address is one string; it has been wrapped for readability. 

Further, the container name is encapsulated as follows: Any non-
alphanumeric characters (with the exception of "=", "-", and "/") are
encoded as "+xx" (without quotation marks), where xx is hexadecimal digit of
that character. So ":" is encapsulated as +3b, where 3b is the ASCII
representation of ":". 

The fix is to correct the code that overwrites the error. 

Which sounds to me like MS expects us to fix their code so that it doesn't
overwrite the error. Has anyone else seen this and found a fix?

Exchange 5.5, SP4
WIN2K Adv. Server SP2
MS Cluster
Dell equipment
NAV for Exchange and regular NAV on all but Exchange stuff


Ed Smits

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