All it is is an HTML form...  it has no PERL scripting in it, but it does
reference a PERL script that runs from IIS.  Does the issue you describe
still apply?

-----Original Message-----
From: Soysal, Serdar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 12:39 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: OWA and email form problems

What did you actually do?  Do you have an Outlook form that you've created
with Perl Script in it?  If that's the case, it won't work with OWA because
OWA by default doesn't know how to display forms of type IPM.Note.xxxxxx.
It can display IPM.Note only (for message type items).  You need to publish
your custom form to OWA.  You can use the HTML Form Converter (which is on
the SP4 CD) to do this.  However, I have never tried it with an existing
HTML message.  You may need to do some tweaking after.

Serdar Soysal

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 9:52 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: OWA and email form problems


We're having a problem I haven't found any Q articles on...  

We occasionally run email surveys...  the email itself has a web form in it
that sends its input to a PERL script, which then sends the results to a
certain user.  This form works correctly when accessed through Outlook, but
not through OWA.  (BTW...  Exch. 5.5, SP4, Win2K Server, SP2)  When a user
attempts to fill out the form in OWA, the recipient just gets a blank form
(has all the formatting the PERL script sends out, just no input from the

Anyone able to tell me why OWA is not allowing form input to the script?



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