Exchange 5.5 SP4 on NT4 SP6a.  User has a local exchange account but refuses
to use OWA to access it and the connection speed is to slow for his liking
when dialing in.  He begged us to have his mail forwarded to his pop3 mail

This problem has been going on for about a year.  When I clear the problem
by rebooting the server, it resurfaces again about every 3 months.

Anyway, When someone from outside the company sends this user a mail to his
exchange account an NDR is bounced back to them stating that "a restriction
in the system prevented delivery of the message" 
(this is the NDR that is received by a person that is not allowed to send
e-mail outside of our org.)

When someone inside the company sends a message to him, the message is
delivered to his pop3 account without any issues.

The user's local exchange mailbox does not have a limit set and the messages
are not even trying to be sent to his pop3 account according to the NDR that
people are receiving so I don't think this has anything to do with the
user's pop3 account.

Is this at all reminiscent of a Mail Loop caused by the Alternate Recipient
setup and why does it occur in this particular setup?  If not, what are your
thoughts on why this occurs every 3 months or where can I look to get a
better understanding why?


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