I've some trouble here :(

NT4, EX5.5 sp4, 3 servers in site, one of them with a IMS configured to
forward everything to another host (sendmail box).
The IMS just started to die without reason, no log anywhere. When restarted
it does work for some seconds to die again even before the control panel
thingy stops to animate its icon.
Push up every IMS log available, restart.. nothing special anywhere, nothing
in the event viewer, nothing (appareantly) different than usual in the
exchsrvr\imcdata\log logs.

So I raised it's cost, add another connector on another server with cost 1,
change firewall and mail gateway, recalculate routing, now mail at least is
flowing again but I still don't know what happened, and the queues of the
old connector seem to be rather full. So for now I'm running a batch trying
to start the connector every 30 seconds, some mail goes out, die, loop.

Any idea ?
It should not be a malformed incoming mail - everything waiting went to the
new connector.
Could be a outgoing mail, eventually (I hope) everyhting present now in the
old connector queues will go out except that one, but how could I check ?
The connector won't stay up long enough to check with axhange admin, at
least the queue tab keeps staying grayed out.
That machine had no change lately, there's no local antivirus, no disk
defragger, no freshly installed software.

Now even worse.
Trying to restart the service it seems to leave behind pieces in
imcdata/out, and keeps adding them to the spool - which means a growing
queue and multiple sent emails. ANY idea please ?

Heiko Herold

-- Via Ferretto, 1            ph  x39-041-5907073
-- I-31021 Mogliano V.to (TV) fax x39-041-5907087

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