 We have just recently implemented Exchange2000 on a new Windows2000 AD
domain. We have 3 Exchange servers, one is a front-end server for OWA
the other 2 are clustered back-end servers (Active/Active).  I have been
receiving several thousands of these email NDRs in the postmaster

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
      Subject:  The Prestige of GOLD Credit
      Sent:     4/30/2002 7:01 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
      [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 4/30/2002 9:34 AM
            The message contains a content type that is not supported
            <exchangen1.oneonta.edu #5.6.1 smtp;554 5.6.1 Body type not
supported by Remote Host>

I have read several messages on other lists that say it may be related
to 8-Bit MIME versus 7-bit.  So I used the Microsoft Knowledge base
Article Q262168 - How to Disable 8BITMIME in Windows 2000 SMTP Service.

This didn't work, and I don't think it was a smart idea.

Any help on why the messages are being rejected and how to fix it would
be appreciated


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