On Thu, 9 May 2002, at 6:35pm, Hansen, Eric wrote:
> As part of our access statement we used "tcp permit" for 110 and 25.  Well
> it turned out that by doing this mail came in but didn't go out.

  SMTP is TCP port 25.  SMTP does not use UDP, not is it an IP-layer

  Make sure you have all the rules, and in all directions.  Maybe you are
accidentally blocking outbound TCP SYN packets on port 25?

  Also, if your default policy is to drop without reply, make sure you at
least send a TCP RST for connect attempts to TCP port 113, which is the
"auth" protocol (also called "ident").  Many SMTP mail exchangers will do an
"auth" query, and if you just drop those packets on the floor, they may time
out or reject you.

  If all else fails, use a packet sniffer to see what is going over the

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