Sounds to me like you're simply looking in the wrong domain for the service
account.  I would assume that you have your resources in one domain and your
users in another?

~Jim Blunt

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Lundy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 12:58 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

DUDE - I did read the whole thread.  What it appears you are trying to
accomplish is getting IIS to log everything to a mapped drive or UNC path -
if your web sites are so high traffic as you claim, you wouldn't want to
incur the network overhead of doing that.  So then YOU SAID, and I quote "I
am thinking of just writing them to the local disk and then copy them to the
logfile server every night with a batch file before the webtrends prog runs
to analyse the logs."  I just pointed out that you don't need to write a
batch file - which if you knew you didn't need to write a batch file, why
did you say you would write a batch file.

Yes, I have ideas.

-----Original Message-----
From: kanee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 3:55 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

dude read thw whole message before answering..not trying to be rude.....i
know i dont need a batch file for web trends..if you read my entire problem
you would have known what i was trying to accomplish, if you have any ideas
for my problem i will appreciate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Lundy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 3:44 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

Webtrends can simply retrieve the log files, you don't need to write a batch

You might also want to move this discussion over to, an IIS5 list where it is more on
topic.  Also, if this is a public website, I would not have them as member
servers of your internal domain

-----Original Message-----
From: kanee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 3:39 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

i cannot take that risk that comes along with the odbc logging i thought
about it, these are highly visible websites in my organisation and a lot of

I am thinking of just writing them to the local disk and then copy them to
the logfile server every night with a batch file before the webtrends prog
runs to analyse the logs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Felicity Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 3:38 PM
To: Exchange Discussions

Why can't you log to an ODBC datasource.  This is not as performant as
logging to  a file.

IIS runs under the local system account.  The documentation you are reading
must be incorrect.

A note on IIS Logging.  This is a high performance asynchronous process. So
entries are flushed to disk when processor cycles permit.  ODBC logging will
degrade performance on your server as it is more of a synchronous process
and as such prone to locking.

I suggest you write to disk and then use a perl script to merge the log


> Here is the scenario. i have serverA, serverB and SERVERC(LOG FILE =
> I need to redirect all the websites log files from serverA and ServerB
> = to serverC.
> In IIS5.0 when you go into the logfile properties and try to change
> the = patch to a mapped drive it clearly says mapped drives and UNC 
> paths are = not supported. But in winNT4.0 it is supported. So i go 
> into the logfile = properties on serverA and serverB and change the 
> logfile path from = %systemroot%\system32\logfiles to 
> f:\logfiles(mapped drive to serverC) = it accepts the path but records 
> event id:2 cannot create folder and = cannot write to drive errors. I 
> looked it up and the article says that = IIS will write logfiles with 
> the logged on username meaning the account = you use for iisadmin 
> service account and if that account doesnt have = rights on the path 
> it will try and use the system account. When i go to = serverA and 
> serverB and look at the iis admin service it is using the = system 
> account and i am trying to change it to my account but the = options 
> are dimmed out meaning i cannot change the service account from = 
> system to m y user id. I tried this hoping that if i use my user id as 
> = the service account then my account has administrative rights on the 
> log = file server and i would be ok now that i cannot change the logon 
> account = my only option is to give the system accounts from serverA 
> and serverB = administrative rights on serverC but i cannot find the 
> system account in = user manager for serverA and serverB. I have 
> looked on my pdc and bdc = and i can see the system account but on my 
> serverA and serverB which are = member servers i dont see the system 
> account, if i can see the system = account on serverA and serverB then 
> i can add them to the administrators = group on serverC but i dont 
> even see them...

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