
OS: Win2K, SP2, IIS Roll-up
E2K: Native, SP2, Admin patch, Trend 6.0, Scan engine 

Post SP2 I noticed that our Queue for Yahoo.com would get up to the thousands 
sometimes.  Deleting the top four or five "problem" messages  and then a FORCE 
CONNECTION would rapidly clear them all out.

It doesn't appear Email to other outbound hosts are effected.

The "problem" messages (a red bulls-eye on the envelope icon) would have a 'Detail 
status' of "retry", and the entire Yahoo.com queue would have a status of "Retry.  
Remote Delivery.  The connection was dropped by the remote host."  The problem 
messages are usually just SPAM destined for some of our users who are setup with 
Forwards to their Yahoo email accounts.   Doesn't appear to be related to size of the 
message, etc... 

I haven't turned up logging etc.... as I'm hoping someone else will make the PSS call 
and go through the hassles of getting a Hotfix out.  Thanks. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: John Q Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Posted At: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 3:47 PM
Posted To: MS Exchange List
Conversation: Messages building in queue
Subject: Re: Messages building in queue

Has anyone else had issues with mail queuing for a week, then sending when
Should I be forcing mail to send from the queue on a regular basis, that
seems odd.


When I installed HotFix Q287678 on my Exchange 2000 server that already had
 SP2 the system stopped all the Exchange services, as expected, but a few
things happened.
 1) The queue was cleared, does this occur everytime you shutdown the E2K
 2) Duplicate messages were re-sent to users, dating back to May 22nd.  I
 found no significance of that date (i.e. the last time the services were
 stopped & started, or system was rebooted occurred more recently). Not all
 messages just a few dozen. Anyone have any idea what caused this?
 3)  When the queue was cleared, about 60 messages had been sitting in the
 queue finally sent.  The oldest message I could track dated back to May
 I am at fault for not checking the queue more often, but it appears
 that these 60 messages were stuck in the queue for what ever reason.
What I don't understand is why most of these messages, a few thousand a
day were sent w/o issue, some to some of the same domains as some of the
stuck messages, sent fine and others did not. Finally, why did user not get
 NDR's, they are set to send after 5 days of attempts have failed.

 Thank you,
 - John Q

 P.S. Any input appreciated.

 ----- Original Message -----

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